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Kora Noel
07 Jan 2012
Glasgow, Scotland
First year, Hufflepuff
28,0 cm maple wood and phoenix feather
Hello! My name is Kora Noel.

I have long, wavy brown hair with light blue eyes. I have pale skin with freckles dotted across my nose. I'm fairly slim, and I'm about 4 feet 10 inches tall.

I am a smart, empathetic student who enjoys reading and spending time with animals. I am deeply protective of my family and friends. However, I can be a little impatient and quick to assume the worst. I'm a little clumsy, and I have a bad habit of biting my nails when nervous.

Before finding out I was a witch, my life was fairly normal. I went to school, made friends and even played soccer.

I spent many summers enjoying the beaches in Tuscany with my family as it was our favorite holiday destination.

My parents are both archeologists. They taught me all kinds of amazing facts, which I enjoy sharing with my friends from school. They also love taking me to new places. They are also the coolest people around. My dad knows how to cook extravagant meals, and my mom is an expert at keeping guests entertained.

My closest friend though was my Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Biscuits. He loves to run with me as well as cuddle in bed. He was a gift from my parents for my 7th birthday. They love him as well! Since I never had a sibling, he's been my companion. We love walking around George Square and exploring Pollok Country Park.

There were always small things that my parents found odd. It started when I was a toddler. When I had temper tantrums, things would randomly fall over nearby. However, it wasn't extremely noticeable until I was practicing my goalie skills with my cousin Timothy. He kicked the ball very hard directly at my face. When I put my hands in front of my face to protect it, the soccer ball stopped in the air right in front of me, then just dropped. No one could explain how it happened. Needless to say, Timothy didn't practice with me anymore.