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Jacob Shank
03 Jun 2012
Surbiton, England
First year, Hufflepuff
24,2 cm chestnut wood and thunderbird tail feather
Physical Description: Lanky and tall, with an understated gait. A small, wry smile seems to always be on Jacob's face. He's got a twinkle in his curious eyes hidden behind thin glasses, a small but angular nose, thin lips, and unruly eyebrows. His dark hair is pushed back and to the side in a calm black wave. He's light olive-skinned and often ties his ties too short.

Mental Description: Jacob is a very curious boy, constantly seeking knowledge and personal growth. His curiousity can get him into trouble, but most of the time it leads to an exciting or silly adventure. His heart is pure, and though his main motivation is knowledge and achievment, that will never come at the cost of others, especially his friends. Jacob is competitive, but doesn't let ambition get in the way of fun (usually). He would love to join the quidditch team, though Jacob is not known for his coordination or athletic ability. He's self-conscious like most new tweens, and can withdraw when nervous or scared in social situations. In general, Jacob is a happy kid, and is excited to learn and play with his new Hogwarts friends.

Biography: Jacob is the 4th and youngest child of Greg and Susie Shank. Susie is a witch from London, who met and fell in love with Greg, a muggle from Portugal, while on a Herbology expedition in Portugal. Jacob has lived in Surbiton, London with his family his whole life. Being from the city, the family has always been extremely careful about using magic for fear that a muggle would get suspicious. Jacob's mum would do simple household spells and potions and such, things that wouldn't raise any eyebrows. Susie was a Herbologist, and had a secret area of the house that was magically hidden and absolutely full of magical plants. Jacob has spent his childhood playing with his siblings and learning small things about the magical world, but has much to learn.

First Instance of Magic: Jacob's first instance of magic was actually quite simple. While looking at the magical plants Jacob's mum was studying, the plant itself began to glow and hum, and small sparks flew out of the bud of the plant. Jacob thought this was just something the plant did, but his mum was very surprised and recognized that the plant was responding to the magic inside of Jacob as he had interacted and observed the plant.