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Erin King
19 Apr 2012
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
28,8 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Female, Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes , Athletic Hourglass Figure, Sharp Jawline, 5 ft. tall, High Cheekbones.

Mental Description: Very welcoming, Kind, Speaks with formal words, Polite, A bit lonely but likes to make everyone else feel comfortable in uncomfortable situations, Calm in most dangerous situations. Has a few anger problems but she tries to not make a big deal about it.

Biography: She has always known about magic. She lives with her mother and father. She had a black cat with green eyes named Whisker but he passed away of old age. She went to a private school and had been tutored many times before. She had many friends but didn't hang out with them because of being pure-blooded and not getting to do what her friends liked. She loves reading. Her favorite book is Pride and Prejudice. Both her parents are magical witch/wizards and work for the ministry. She loves watching quidditch and she hopes to be on the quidditch team for whichever house she gets sorted into. Her family is known mostly for everyone being in Slytherin. She does not think that blood status defines anyone but her family does. They think that they need the family line to keep running for her family's reputation. She does not want to disappoint them though so she has to keep quiet about her opinions.

First Instance of Magic: One Winter evening, it was cold and snow was on rooftops, the roads, no one could even see the grass! Erin had been swinging all alone in the snowy backyard on an large tree with a square wooden plank with ropes for handles attached (She had been out of private school for Christmas break. Erin's parents don't celebrate Christmas though so she just did a bunch of reading). Erin hadn't been as happy because her parents didn't get off work for Christmas break and she was alone most of the day; but she had Angel (Erin's nanny) to watch over her every Christmas break. When her parents got home at 5PM, Erin came to the door as fast as her 7 year old legs could take her and hugged both her parents tight! She wanted to go in the backyard and build snowmen and so they did! She had been so happy that she grew roses everywhere she stepped and hadn't noticed until she turned around to grab some pebbles. She was confused until her parents gasped and started jumping up and down. Erin thought her parents were mental at first and then realized. All she could say was, “~Magic~”. She was in shock from amazement until her parents picked her up and hugged her. The next day they threw a party. Erin didn't think it was a big deal until she walked downstairs from her bedroom and was surprised to see her parents decorating her Tudor Architecture house. She questioned them for this but they just told her it was a big deal so Erin just played along until later that evening when she saw her aunt, Rachel, her uncle, Mike, her cousins, Ava & Ace, and her grandparents, Ellen and Tommy! She was so happy to see them all after being alone for most days but at the same time kind of embarrassed for it didn't seem a big deal that she made dozens of roses grow through snow unintentionally! She smiled and hugged everyone one by one and they all spent some time together and at the end of the day, they all had to go. Erin said goodbye and hugged everyone. After they left, she had dinner and went to bed.

My wand after going to Diagon Alley:

28,8 cm Chestnut wood and unicorn hair.