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Elisha Scott
08 Oct 2012
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
30,9 cm fir wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: I have bright orange hair and dark blue eyes. I get lots of freckles in the summer. I'm pretty short, but I don't really mind! I have clear skin too, and I'm really proud of my appearance. I like to wear a lot of jewelry, especially rings and bracelets.

Mental Description: I'm an overall bubbly and happy person, but my mental health still isn't perfect. I try to be nice to everyone, but I won't tolerate people who try to mess with my friends. I love to learn!

Biography: I live with my parents and brother over in London. It's always busy, but I love my family. My dad was a Ravenclaw wizard before me, and I look up to him. We live in a cozy apartment, and that's where I've spent my whole life up until Hogwarts. It's a little cramped, but I love my home. My brother and I also get along very well, for siblings. I also have lots of cousins that visit my family from time to time.

First Instance of Magic: One morning, when I was 8, I was at school and someone was trying to bully my friend! I got so mad at them, and the bully just started floating! I stood there in shock, and soon enough the bully fell back down and twisted his ankle. No one believed him when he told the story, and I didn't dare say a word until I got home to tell my dad. I had seen him use magic at home before, so I knew what I had done and was happy and terrified at the same time.