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Hashirielz Hendilliam
29 Jun 2012
Birmingham, England
First year, Ravenclaw
30,8 cm cherry wood and jackalope antler
Hashirielz Hendilliam, has a unique background. Born and raised in Birmingham, England, Hashirielz is of mixed heritage, with one parent being of Asian descent and the other British. Despite not having any notable connections to famous wizards or Muggles, he possesses a magical lineage, being a half-blood.

Hashirielz possesses an enchanting appearance that is a blend of his Asian and British heritage. He has fair skin with delicate pink undertones, lending a hint of rosy warmth to his complexion. His most distinctive features are three small moles, each adding a touch of charm to his face. One mole rests subtly beneath each of his sparkling grey eyes, while the other two adorn his cheeks. These moles are small and inconspicuous, requiring a closer look to be noticed. Hashirielz has black hair, which adds contrast to his fair complexion, and his eyes are upturned, giving him an inquisitive and attentive gaze.

Hashirielz is an inquisitive and eager young wizard, always hungry for knowledge and new experiences. He possesses a sharp intellect and a natural curiosity about the world around him, both in the magical and Muggle realms. He has a keen eye for detail, often noticing things others might miss, which reflects in his observant nature. Hashirielz has a kind and empathetic heart, always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need. He values friendship and loyalty, believing in the power of unity and standing up for what is right.

Before turning eleven, Hashirielz experienced a remarkable instance of accidental, wandless magic. It occurred when he was nine years old during a visit to a local park. As he observed a flock of birds soaring through the sky, a gust of wind suddenly swirled around him. To his astonishment, the wind obeyed his unspoken desire and lifted him gently off the ground, allowing him to hover in mid-air for a few moments. Hashirielz felt a rush of exhilaration and awe, but as soon as he became aware of what was happening, the magic dissipated, and he gently floated back down to the ground. This unforgettable experience sparked a deep fascination with magic and served as an affirmation of his magical abilities.

Having experienced his first taste of magic, Hashirielz eagerly awaits his journey to Hogwarts, where he hopes to explore and develop his magical talents further.