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Sebastian Williams
10 Mar 2012
Dublin, Ireland
First year, Hufflepuff
23,2 cm hawthorn wood and snallygaster heartstring
(Profile Picture is AI generated art)

Sebastian is an 11 year old Irish boy born to a muggle-born mom and pureblood dad. He takes on more of his dad's features, having light coloured wavy hair and green eyes that droop downwards. He's tall for his age, almost reaching 5ft due to both his parents being tall. When he plays quidditch with his dad, often playing keeper while dad plays chaser, his skin would turn pink under the sun; however, if he hasn't been exposed to sunlight after a long time, he will naturally grow pale again. He's on the larger size when it comes to kids his age, likely due to the big builds of his parents.

If Sebastian was described with one word, it would be cheerful. He loves telling jokes and making people laugh, but most of all loves to hear his mama's hearty cackle. He's very much a mama's boy, always trying to make her happy and proud of him (and his mama would always affirm that he is loved by both her and his dad.) Despite loving playing quidditch with his dad, Sebastian is mostly interested in indoor activities such as listening to audio books (physically reading makes it hard for him to focus), and drawing with his mama. Every piece of his art is hung on the walls of their home, on the fridge, or in his parents' bedroom.

Home life in Dublin was as exciting as it can be, but he was never one for being pessimistic. He would play with puddles outside after a rainy day, go to the playground and make friends with kids his age, and go on errands with his mama to help her. He grew up loved by his parents and never went a day without it.

The first time Sebastian had a magical accident was when he was giggling and laughing while his dad tickled him. The utter joy and happiness his felt while being with his dad made objects fly up as high as his mood was. When his dad realised what was happening, he shouted enthusiastically for his wife to come down and see their boy using magic. To say the least, it was a moment to celebrate as a family.