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Vivianna Waywater
01 Jun 2012
Dublin, Ireland
First year, Hufflepuff
25,7 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Vivianna Waywater is a 4'6" female with long ginger hair, and watercolor bue eyes, and full face freckles

Mental Description: Vivianna is a shy, but bubbly girl. She is fairly good at making friends, but she does not take criticism well.

Biography: Vivianna grew up in Dublin Ireland, surrounded byr friends and family while growing up. She attended a private school there where she learened to read, write, and perfect her speech. Her mother was a nurse at the local hospital, and her father was a middle school teacher at her school. Vivianna moved from Ireland to England at age 7 to be closer to other family, where her mom got a new job at the hospital there, as well as her dad in the local high school. She always thought that Magic was real, but her parents never believed like she did. They were hesitant about sending their only child to Hogwarts to practice Magic, but they did. Vivianna hoped that these would be the best years of her life.

First Instance of Magic: Vivianna's first instance of Magic was at her school, where she sent a cupcake heralding at one of her fellow classmates. She played it off by yelling "food fight!", needless to say, her parents were quite upset. Afterwards 10 year old Vivianna was very confused to say the least. She started researching, but found nothing, which upset her. She felt calm after learning how to control it more.