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Landon Matthews
01 Jun 2011
Rye, England
Third year, Quidditch player, Hufflepuff
25,4 cm hornbeam wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Landon has brown hair that often turns more blond in the sun. He also has pretty blue eyes. He's average height for his age, but he will likely end up being around 5'10". He likes to stay in good shape. Landon wears glasses when he reads, which is frequently.

Mental Description: Landon is very sweet and kind. He is understanding and polite. Landon struggles to talk to females at times. He gets flustered and stutters when he has to talk to females but he is getting better at it. His twin sister is manipulative, so he tends to find girls intimidating. Landon is a very loyal friend. He is disorganized, but he is very intelligent. He is always learning more and more about history.

Biography: Landon was the firstborn child to Darren and Anne Matthews. His father was a skilled potioneer and his mother was an author. A few minutes after he was born, his twin sister Harper was born. Landon is a pureblood and comes from a long line of wizards and witches who have attended Hogwarts, so it was always expected that he would have magical abilities too, once he came to the right age to show them. Landon was always a very curious child and wanted to learn about everything. He was especially interested in history, even from a young age. Before Landon could even read, he was begging his parents to read him books about history. Landon read everything he could about history as a child and he did best in his history courses when his mother homeschooled him before he was accepted at Hogwarts.

Landon was happy to have one sister, but when Landon turned 8, his parents gave birth to his little sister, Marie. Landon loved her from the moment she was born. He adored both of his sisters and never really wished he had a brother too. Landon always felt loved and supported by his family, even when he made mistakes or struggled to make friends because he was always focused on his books and learning. They weren't rich by any means, but they had a stable income which allowed Landon and his siblings to grow up comfortably. He was still close to his twin despite their differences. Landon grew up knowing that he would be magical, and he waited impatiently for the day when his magic would make itself known.

First Instance of Magic: Landon discovered he had magic when he was reading his books as usual and he was able to turn the pages without touching the book. He double-checked to make sure that it wasn't just the wind or something else, but he learned it was him doing it. His parents were very proud that he had magic, and Harper discovered hers not too long after he did.