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Leota Kandal
Wizard born
07 Jun 2012
Newcastle, England
First year, Hufflepuff
31,4 cm cherry wood and jackalope antler
Physical Description: Standing at 4’7, Leota is on the shorter side. Average build for her age. She has green-gray eyes and long straight light brown hair. If you see her in the hallways she usually looks nervous as all hell, and walks as if she’s about to break into a run.

Mental Description: Leota is practically the definition of shy. Spending most of her life talking to cows and horses don’t exactly help your social skills. She truly means well, but many could see her as blunt or unapologetic in conversations. But if somehow the topic turns to animals she could talk all day (big horsegirl) She isn’t the most organized, practically everything she touches turns into a disorderly mess. Leota is a very outdoorsy gall, and spends pretty much all her free time outside. (She loves any class thats spent outside. Inside classes though? She’s the last one in and always the first one out.)

Biography: Leota is a third generation witch (Her grandfather was a muggle born, her father a half-blood, her mother a muggle born) Leota was raised in a primarily muggle area, she went to muggle schools and most of her friends were muggles. Because of this Leota is a tad slow with wizard pop culture references. Her family owns a mid sized cattle ranch, and Leota spent 99% of her time helping. Her family owns several horses, and Leota was quite the horsegirl. (She still has all her competition ribbons) Leota has no siblings and is super close with her parents, getting letters every other day. (She’ll complain about the excessive owls but she secretly loves it)

First Instance of Magic: When Leota was around 9, she was on horseback, helping her parents drive cattle. Suddenly a rustle of the bushes spooked her horse, and it started bolting and bucking. Panicked, Leota held on tightly, trying to calm it down. After losing her balance and feeling herself slipping Leota braced for pain, but didn’t feel anything. When she should’ve gotten scraped arms or any injuries she didn’t get anything of the sort. She brushed it off as just landing in a soft patch of grass but she tends to think of that incident every once in a while.