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Galadriel Aarakor
09 Aug 2011
Edenbridge, England
Second year, Slytherin
34,8 cm aspen wood and dragon heartstring
[Physical Description] Galadriel is a 4'6 female with light brown hair and pale skin. Her eyes are a dark brown, but she's wearing contact lenses to give them an eerie yellow color.

[Mental Description] Galadriel is pretty reserved, she overthinks things and doesn't charge straight into action. When creating decisions, she normally chooses the practical choice over the aesthetic choice, but she prefers her practical choices have at least a small bit of flair. She can be quite dramatic when she chooses to engage in conversation, so her speech and actions can take time getting used to.

[Before Hogwarts] Galadriel didn't have many friends, instead choosing to either read books or play sports when she was at home. Her parents encouraged this, buying her large books covering various topics, magical or non-magical, Galadriel didn't care so long as she could read it.

[First Magic Appearance] Galadriel was tired because she had just finished reading a large chapter book. She couldn't be bothered to shelve it back properly, because she was just so tired- but she wanted to try anyways, because she hated it when her room was disorganized. She tried to pick up the book, but when her finger brushed it, the book floated slightly off the ground. Galadriel tried to grab the book to show her parents, but when she touched it, the book floated even higher above the ground, and somehow it shelved itself on the bookcase exactly where she had wanted to shelve it.