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Justice Glade
12 Feb 2011
London, England
Second year, Gryffindor
27,6 cm ash wood and kneazle whiskers
Physical Description: Justice Glade has short brown hair, and freckles. He favors casualty over formality, and especially likes hoodies.

Mental Description: Justice is a strong rebel , and is definitely not the type of person people hang out with my choice. He's ride, cold, and simply a bully. He prefers to be left alone, and people are usually glad to do that. He likes sports and has raw talent in rapping.

Biography: Justice lived in London, England with two muggle parents, John and Darlene. He has younger twin siblings, Max and Mia, that never faileð to either annoy or amuse Justice. He loved his family. They were pretty much the only people Justice were nice to.
When Justice was eight years old, adults discovered he didn't "play well" with other children. He would make fun of them, tease them, and other rude things bully did. He didn't listen to adults, either. It was as if he looked at the rules and made plans to break them.
When it was discovered Justice was a wizard, his parents were beyond shocked that anything like the sort existed. But that whole tome, they'd been raising a son with no idea it was a wizard.

First Instance of Magic: No one has any idea how he did thia, and neither did Jutice, but when was angry at his neighbor that was always too touchy, he turned her wig blue and red.
Just noting that I will attempt to have my character in the index and in second year by the 15th!