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Vaila Evans
London, England
First year, Slytherin
34,5 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Vaila Evans comes from a wealthy family of witches and wizards. For her entire life, she has been told stories of both her mother’s and her father’s glorious time in Hogwarts, and has eagerly been awaiting the day her own acceptance letter would arrive.

Despite being rather well off, Vaila has lived a relatively simple life. Apart from being a witch, she enjoys reading, and is an excellent pianist. She knows a few, very basic spells, all taught to her by her father in his spare time. She has attended muggle school, and has always been rather popular among her peers, despite being rather reserved and quiet.

Vaila has never been good at math, and often has a hard time when it comes to properly annunciating the spells her father teaches her. She is deathly afraid of spiders, and is highly claustrophobic. Upon meeting a stranger, she may stutter and become very nervous, often worried about the impression she will make on others.

Vaila is short for her age, with pale blonde hair reaching just past her shoulders and bright green eyes with golden flecks in them. Her skin is porcelain pale and just as smooth. On several occasions, she has been compared to a doll, due to her large eyes and childish features. Despite this, she tends to dress the opposite, often opting for darker clothes in shades of midnight black or navy blue.