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Sage Willows
21 Nov 2011
Kent, England
Second year, Writer, Quidditch Player, Hufflepuff
33,0 cm rosewood and snallygaster heartstring
I see you’ve stumbled across my profile! Below in the reducio you’ll find some basic information about Sage but if you look in my ency, you’ll find more detailed information about Sage. If you have a roleplay idea, do not hesitate to owl me. If you have a question about my character, please owl me as well.
Thread Status: closed, but feel free to owl me if you have an idea!
Owls: always open!
Discord: SeaGreen#77345
“I don't know if you've been in a fight before, but there's not usually this much talking.”

“Hats And Sunglasses? That’s Not A Disguise, Hank. We Look Like Ourselves At A Baseball Game.”

“You can’t change the past, but you can let go and start your future.”

What you need to know for RPing:

Each year, something will have happened in Sage's life that will affect her personality in RPs. Here is a year-to-year map of what happens each year (that I know of!) and how that might affect roleplays! (Note: some of these will need to go through the index re-application and have not been approved yet.)
First Year- Staring Hogwarts. She's a bit nervous, but excited to make friends.
Second Year- Her dad is trying to get back into contact with her. She's confused and upset, some might say she's angry.
Third Year- Her father and step-mum officially divorce. Sage, like last year, is upset and hurt, some might say she's distant.
Fourth Year- Her step-mum is hospitalized. Sage feels guilty and scared.
Fifth Year- (still plotting).
Sixth Year: (still plotting).
Seventh Year- (still plotting).
Physical description: Sage has brown hair that reaches down to her collarbone. Her eyes are brown. She isn’t tall nor short but a perfect in between. Her skin is quite pale and is a light peach coloring. As a result of the car crash she was in as a child, Sage uses a prosthetic leg to walk.

Mental Description: Sage appears as a quiet girl but once one gets to know her, they see that she is far from that. She speaks her mind and refuses to let anyone tell her she cannot do something. When people try to tell her something is beyond her abilities to do something, she plots her revenge to prove she can. While some might refer to her as cunning, she happens to just think of herself as someone who says her mind and does what she first thinks to do.

Background: Sage’s childhood was quite…different from most children. She was born to Christopher, an muggle man, and Autumn, a witch, Willows one rainy night. Her mother passed away shortly after Sage turned two and left Sage with little memories of her. Her father decided that anything fantasy or anything that couldn’t possibly be real was to be banned from his home, like it was when he was a child. Sage grew up with no other siblings until her father wedded a woman named Cassie. Cassie also happened to be a witch but knowing what her husband thought of witches, she kept it hidden for quite some time. She only revealed her magic to Sage after her first instance of magic. Christopher would find out later. Cassie had one daughter named Kora who was three when she came to live with them. Kora’s mom, Cassie, had already told her that she was a witch. Kora’s father is a muggle. As of right now, Kora has no magical ability but that could change in her future. After Sage had her first instance of magic, Cassie began to teach Sage about the magical community. Not long after her first magical encounter, her father discovered and grew very angry. He had parted with magic and wasn’t ready to welcome it back with open arms. He told Sage and Cassie to either ‘be normal’ or leave. Cassie knew she couldn’t do that so Cassie took Sage and Kora away with her to live in a small home in Kent, England. Sage was taught by Cassie all about the community she was now part of until she received her letter. Cassie did not want Sage to show up at Hogwarts with no idea what was happening, especially knowing she would be a target of bullying because of her prosthetic leg, especially since her leg could have been magically fixed. Her mother, Autumn, passed away in a car crash when Sage was two. The two were on their way to a book store when the crash occurred. The crash instantly killed Autumn but Sage ended up need to have her leg amputated immediately. Because of the crash and her not having magical healing access, she learned to walk with a prosthetic leg.

First magical instances: It was a cold, rainy evening. Sage’s father and step sister were out at a small restaurant a few streets away getting dinner. Sage was alone in the house with Cassie. They were making tea to go along with the supper her father was fetching. Sage was seven years old. Cassie was over by the stove beginning to brew the tea. Despite the fact she could have done it magically, she had always loved making it the muggle way, like she had done with her parents before finding out of her abilities. Sage ran over to the sofa in the living room to get a blanket to wrap around herself as it was chilly in the house. She began running back to Cassie and suddenly, before she could slow to a stop by Cassie, she tripped over her feet and her arms shot out in front of her. She watched as the pot Cassie was handling suddenly flew up in the air and tossed the burning hot liquid onto her. At first, Sage thought Cassie must have been startled by the noise of Sage falling onto the ground but then she began to realize that Cassie hadn’t even been touching the pot nor been close enough to bump it. By the time Cassie had finally realized what had happened, Sage was alone in her room, sobbing. Sage had been raised to think that magic was wrong and that having powers of such was a terrible thing. Cassie found her step daughter and told her that it wasn’t a curse of sorts but instead it was a blessing. Cassie was so excited and happy for the young girl that she didn’t even consider what Christopher would have to say about it.

As a result of the car crash Sage was involved in when she was two, she had to have her right leg amputated above the knee making her a left leg AK (above knee) amputee. Sage’s leg was not magically fixed because for a big part of her life she had no access to magical healing. After she and Cassie became closer, Cassie asked her if she wanted her leg healed to which Sage responded, “No. If I were to change, I would have to learn to walk all over again and I do not want to do that again. My leg also connects me to my mom. I do not want to loose that connection to her.” Cassie understood completely and never pushed Sage to have her leg fixed. Sage’s leg is just a regular part of her day to day life. Sage is extremely proud of her leg and would never wish for it to be fixed. Sage took physical therapy for a few years when she was older but has not gone since she was six.