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Theodore Mulligan
01 Aug 2012
Dublin, Ireland
First year, Hufflepuff
22,6 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
His birthday is August 1st, 2012, because I wish for him to start attending Hogwarts for his first year this upcoming September.
Physical Description:
The Mulligans are a long line of pure-blooded Irish wizards and witches. They not only passed down this blood purity but also two common traits among family members. Striking red hair, and countless freckles. While Theodore may have been exempt from the blood purity the family strove to keep he wasn't exempt from those features. Having curly red hair that's hard to maintain for the boy, and quite deceiving as well. It appears soft when touched; instead having a hair texture on the coarser side of things. His face has a more oval-like structure with piercing green eyes and baby cheeks. With a slightly upturned button nose. Theodore has a rather scrawny build with little to no muscle and freckles coat his body. While his freckles are mainly spread out, they gather at a high concentration around his nose and cheeks.
Mental Description:
Like a dog with no awareness of stranger danger, Theo wants to make friends with everyone. He's not very socially aware and has a hard time taking hints on when to drop a subject or leave. So he goes up to practically anyone and starts talking to them about whatever is on his mind. Usually changing topics from one thing to something else completely unrelated very quickly. Making most people find him annoying or becoming his friend after giving up; realizing he won't leave them alone. But he means no harm. While Theodore is easily distracted he works hard, and it's almost impossible to get him to hate anyone or anything. He also hates using the word hate, only using it for extreme situations where that's what he truly feels. Instead settling for synonyms of like and dislike to express his feelings in most cases. Theo is willing to try new things and work toward his own goals, helping people along the way. When he becomes your friend he's there to stay. But there is one thing that will make Theodore truly hate you from that point on. To the point where he will cease all contact with you, or if contact is unavoidable just stop talking to you all together. What Theodore truly hates to no belief is something quite simple yet it makes his blood boil. Liars.
The Mulligans an Irish bloodline of pureblooded wizards and witches. Never once had their bloodline been tainted in all the years of the history that is known about them. That was until Theodore came along. His father first gave birth to Theodore's brother Brennan, two years ago. Brennan unlike Theo was just like the rest of the family and his blood was pure. But the wife of his father and mother of Brennan died in an awful accident a year prior to Theodore's birth. Theo's and Brennan's father got together with a muggle woman to help take his mind off the loss. In doing so Theodore was accidentally conceived. And his muggle mother never wanting to have a baby almost aborted her pregnancy. When she told Theo's father she was pregnant they fought countless times about what to do about the situation. And more stress was put on Theodore's father by his family, that was disapproving of the relationship from the get-go. Eventually, they came to an agreement. The muggle girl would have the baby, but all rights to it would go to his father. And the two would stop seeing each other after the birth. And so Theodore Carter Mulligan was born, a half-blood. And for the first time, the Mulligan family line was tainted.

Even though the rest of the Mulligan family held a distaste for his blood status. They all agreed that Theodore and Brennan's father did the right thing, and accepted Theodore into the family. Some members with more hesitation than others but that was to be expected from a family of purebloods. Whose bloodline was only just now tainted. But not a single member could deny that Theodore's birth wasn't a good thing for his father. Who after the death of his wife became more and more closed off. When Theodore was born it seemingly snapped his father out of whatever trance he was in. And his father worked on self-improvement while raising two babies with the aid of his family. And while some family members showed an obvious dislike for Theodore favoring his brother Brennan instead. His father loved the two boys equally and with all his heart. Giving each of them their own unique nickname. Theodore being "My little Teddy," and Brennan being "My little Bear."

Theodore and Brennan grew up to be inseparable and were always there to support one another. Whenever one left the other followed but there was an evident pattern in their behavior. It seemed Brennan was the leader of their unstoppable duo, Theodore being his trusty sidekick who always gave his support. But in turn, Brennan gave his protection, stopping the boy from being bullied once by Brennan's friends who were older than Theodore. And quite disliked the boy's curiosity, they had begun teasing the boy about it and whenever Brennan left to do something alone they'd let the boy have it. But as soon as Brennan found out he stopped them. And they never showed up at the Mulligan household again. Instead, Brennan introduced Theodore to another group of his friends. All of them grew quickly accustomed to Theodore and enjoyed the younger child's company. Brennan to Theodore was "Bren Bren" or "Lee B." To Brennan, Theodore was nicknamed Theo.

While most of the family usually avoided Theodore or just tolerated the boy, Theodore's grandfather Carter just like Theo's father showed only love to the boy. Always telling him stories of how even though Theodore looked more like his father, he has the same personality as his father's wife. Who at the time Theodore also thought was both his and Brennan's mothers. When Brennan broke his promise to Theodore breaking his heart, his grandfather was there for him. Supporting him and letting him know he had every right to be angry. But also advising the boy to eventually forgive his brother, as hating your own flesh and blood was like hating yourself. According to Theodore's grandfather. And while Theodore still has not forgiven Theodore, after some time his hatred for his brother started to ebb away to a fiery dislike that was being put out. But still refusing to die out just yet.

Theodore truly loved all his family, even the ones that made it clear they disliked the boy due to his blood. And while he still didn't understand why some family members hated him, not being told the real story of his birth and his real mother. He loved them all and would help as much as he could. It was like his grandfather said, "Hating your family members was like hating yourself. It takes more effort to hate than it did to learn to forgive. " And while he still didn't truly understand these words, Theodore promised he would try not to hate people as much as he could.
First Instance of Magic:
In a small shared nursery room, two boys lay on a white and black carpet. Laying on their stomachs as each read a book of their own. The eldest by two years compared to the youngest reading a hefty chapter book. The likes of which a teenager would read, as the eldest seemed to excel in the subject. Needing higher age-level books to challenge himself. While the youngest at age six hummed to himself reading a plan picture book. Kicking his legs in the air, as he turned the page. Seeing the princely knight on his noble steed racing up a mountain with treacherous terrain. Pebbles trailed behind the horse as the small rocks got kicked away by the animal's hoofs racing on the ground. The sky was a dangerous fiery orange, and pixy rocks jutted from around the mountain. The prince has to weave through each one, not being able to afford to slow down his pace or crash into one. Forcing the second prince and the knight's commander to show off his expert horsemanship. The small boy that had gotten lost in observing the picture and the contrasting colors was just about to read the line under the picture, the line that would help him piece together this picture to the last. Only to be interrupted by a knock and the squeak of the door. As a familiar red-headed man wearing glasses poked his head into the children's nursery.

"Papa! Papa!" The younger boy shouted. Scurrying up from the ground and rushing over to his father. Hugging his leg practically bouncing up and down. Completely forgetting about the book he was just reading. The eight-year-old eldest son was much calmer in greeting their father. Remembering to not only take care of closing his book but marking the page he was on with a green bookmark.

Eventually, the father left the nursery with the eldest brother to take care of something. Leaving Theodore alone with only his thoughts and his book to keep him company. Oh, his book! The boy quickly ran over to the discarded book, picking it up, and sat on his bed. Continuing to read along, the pages slowly started to come to life as the boy's excitement quickened with the rising plot. He watched as the once-still pictures rose up from the books in full color as they started moving. Following the plot of the book the boy read aloud to himself.

"Teddy?" "Theo?" Two familiar voices asked at the same time, forcing Theo to look around at the moving pictures. Seeing his brother and father standing in the doorway with a wrapped-up present. In his favorite green wrapping. Throwing the book down and running over to the two, Theo began to rapidly ask questions.

It was only until they managed to calm the boy down and get him to sit. That his father was able to explain that the boy accidentally performed magic. The pictures in those books never being able to come to life before that incident. Caused by the boy's pure excitement.

Not only did the boy realize he could do magic like the rest of his family that day, but he also got a gift as well. A heart-shaped necklace, containing a moving picture of him, his father, brother, and grandfather all smiling together in a warm embrace. It was the best gift the boy could ask for, to go with a great day.