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Rosie Vacker
18 Jul 2012
Edinburgh, Scotland
First year, Hufflepuff
23,1 cm blackthorn wood and phoenix feather
Full name: Rosaline Ellie Vacker
Sexuality: straight
Height: 4,11

Physical description: Rosie is very pretty and popular. She is really flirtatious and is often described as having many boys liking her. She has light brown hair that looks auburn underwater and blond in the sun. She often wears it in a loose bun. She has pale skin and very bright sky blue eyes. She has a gentle look and a splash of freckles across her nose.

Mental description: Rosie is always cheerful and loves to flirt with boys. She has alot of friends because she has a fun and bubbly personality. Rosie is kind to everyone and loves the beach.

Biography: Rosaline Ellie Vacker was born July 18, 2009. Rosie is a Vacker and they are a very noble family. They live at Ocean Glen which is a mansion located off of the Scottish coast. She has a older brother named Arden and a cat named Ariel. Her mom's name is Kaitlyn, and her dad's name is Keegan. She and Arden have a tutor named Lady Olana. The Vacker family is often described as the perfect family and Rosie is the perfect child.

First instance of Magic: One day I woke up and looked in the mirror to see that my eyes had changed from their bright sky blue hue to a vivid shade of violet. This was quite a shock for me because that meant I was a witch and I wasn't going to be a squib! They remained for the rest of the day and we're gone the next.