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Victoria Evans
08 Nov 2011
Wellington, England
First year, Hufflepuff
25,7 cm mayhaw wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: Victoria has long, wavy brown hair that she prefers to leave down even though it often ends up in her face. Her eyes are bright blue like her mother, but otherwise, she is an spitting image of her father. She is on the shorter side for her age at 4ft 5in.

Mental Description: Victoria is very shy, but is quite friendly once you get to know her. She is also very intelligent and enjoys reading about science topics (her favorite school subject). After a long day at school, you can find her in a ball under a blanket on her bed reading about the newest advancements in science, or talking to Elsie, the only person her age she trusts.

Biography: Victoria is the oldest of 4 siblings (Elsie, John, Cal, and Mary in age order). Her father works as a scientist and her mother worked as a teacher before John and Cal (twins) were born. Victoria and her sister Elsie are best of friends as they are only a year apart. Victoria always made excellent grades in school, and her favorite subject by far is science. Both of her parents are muggles and were completely surprised to find out that there was an entirely different world of wizards right under their noses. They were skeptical about allowing Victoria to attend, but after a lot of convincing, they finally caved.

First Instance of Magic: Victoria's First Instance of Magic occurred when she was 8 years old. She was playing dodgeball in her gym class (which she despises) when the ball came barreling towards her face. Out of panic she sent it back to the boy who threw it, knocked out one of his teeth, and gave him a black eye. The boy has hated her since, but everybody else now wants her on their dodgeball team in gym class.

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