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Roanne Toujours
14 Jun 2011
Yorkshire, England
First year, Hufflepuff
27,1 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Roanne had dark, jet black hair that fell straight and appeared smooth and shiny. She had dark blue, almond-shaped, sharp eyes. Her face was fair, and she had a natural orangish-ish tint of blush on her cheeks. Her lips were full, cupid's bow barely visible, making her lips look round-shaped. She had a fit physique, and "perfect" proportions. Her posture was so proper that it seemed to never be bad, even if she had been sitting in the same place for hours.

Mental Description: She was very introverted. Took a lot of work to get her to talk comfortably, but once she did, she was the sweetest girl to talk to/

Biography: She was a pureblood, but was raised away from the wizarding world since her father had been sick and tired of his family's pureblood supremacist views and wanted his child to grow up away from all that. Her mother was also a pureblooded witch, who, like her husband also didn't like the concept of pureblood supremacy and agreed with her husband on having Roanne grow up away from such people, while still giving her knowledge about the wizarding world.

First Instance of Magic: The weather often got bad when she didn't want to go somewhere she had to, like school. And when she felt annoyed by the noise around her, her hearing would just.. stop and she would only hear what she wanted to hear.