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Lavender Barrett
12 Mar 2012
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
23,3 cm acacia wood and phoenix feather
I was instructed via owl to make some changes to Lavender's first accidental magic.

I also have a question, but since I can't respond to owls just yet, I suppose I should ask here? I didn't realize when I registered that academic years on the site ran in real time. Would it be okay to postpone Lavender's first year to this following September, adjusting her birthday accordingly? Thank you!

Physical Description:

Lavender has hair that loosely represents her name. Though it was originally a very soft blond, Lavender decided to, in a fit of rebellion upon arrival at her second boarding school, have a few of her dorm-mates help her to dye it. Despite her mother being very-much-not-pleased, the woman decided to leave it be, realizing that tightening her grip would only lead to further rebellion.

Her eyes are a blue that almost resembles the crystal clear waters of a gently moving creek in the countryside, but those eyes often find themselves in a horrible glaring expression.

When she isn't in her school uniform, she prefers a punk look. Gone are the days when she would enjoy twirling in dresses or wearing "nicer" clothes. Now, Lavender is often found in ripped skinny jeans, slobbish sweat pants, baggy t-shirts, over-sized hoodies, beanies, and, possibly most importantly, an old pair of Converse she's had for over a year that she just can't force herself to replace.

Mental Description: What is your character like. We will not accept characters that practice self-harm.

Looking at Lavender's rebellious appearance, one might assume that she's very bratty. A delinquent. A trouble-maker. Well, to an extent, one would be right. She's certainly a trouble-maker. A delinquent, even. But strangely, despite her horrible behaviour and penchant for rule-breaking, she usually performs well in class, earning top marks and even, surprisingly, learning a thing or two.

Her behaviour amongst her peers is just as surprising. While she won't shirk from mild-to-severe vandalism, Lavender will actually go out of her way to avoid harming or causing inconveniences for her fellow students. As a result, she was quite popular at her previous boarding schools. Students would flock to her, with the fellow trouble-makers watching her every move with anticipation for whatever trouble she would cause the faculty next and those who stayed within the lines turning to her for tutelage.

Unfortunately, the respect she shows her classmates does not extend to her family. She is an only child by blood, but she does have an older step-sister. Lavender absolutely despises her older step-sister, her step-dad, and the stupid house in which they all live, and she's quick to show it. She doesn't speak to her step-dad, Paul, at all, and she only speaks in single words to her step-sister, Annie.


Lavender never had the opportunity to meet her father. Not her real father, at any rate. She was raised by her single Mum, and despite their financial struggles, she was happy. She didn't get all of the new toys her friends were getting. Her clothes were torn and tattered. And, worst of all, some would say, she would often have to read herself to sleep because her Mum was working late at night to support them. But none of that mattered to Lavender. She loved her Mum so very much, and she was content.

Until her Mum met Paul, the worst thing that could ever have happened. She supposed she should have been thankful at the time. After all, they were going from living a life of poverty to living in a lovely home in Northern London. Suddenly they had money for new clothes, and delicious food, and she would even have her own bedroom. She should have been ecstatic, but she wasn't. Lavender was miserable.

If it wasn't the haughty tone with which Paul spoke, it was his "hobby" suggestions. She wasn't interested in cricket, she had no interest in horses beyond watching them, on the telly, and she certainly didn't care about fashion. She just wanted to go back to her simple life with her Mum.

Then, the day came that Paul decided to suggest a "highly prestigious academic facility" that would "provide opportunities she'd never have elsewhere."

Boarding school. He wanted to ship her off to boarding school, and her Mum was eating it right up! At the end of summer, she was sent to the "Lycée Blah-Blah-Blah." She hated it so much that she didn't even bother properly learning the name. She hated the school, she hated France, and she hated Paul.

That was when her rebellions began. Over the course of her first, and only, year at the French boarding school, Lavender broke every rule she could possibly break until she was, at last, expelled. She tried not to let her Mum's disappointment bother her too much.

It didn't bother her at all when she was shipped off to the next boarding school. This time, at least she was still in England. She hated speaking French. Still, being shipped off like a disobedient animal was unacceptable, so Lavender stuck with her old system. She broke every rule she could manage until she was shipped back home.

This continued through two more boarding schools, until, at last, the trouble-maker received an acceptance letter to a school that would change her life forever: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

First Instance of Magic:

Lavender wasn't really aware that she'd done magic when it first happened. In fact, being only six, she hadn't thought about the occurrence at all after the fact.

Growing up poor, she'd learned early just how important it was to take good care of her nicer clothes. She had a few decently nice (that is, with no stains) outfits and a few others for playing. All it took was one reckless afternoon outside with some of the neighbour's children for a terrible rip to be made in her favorite trousers.

While an older Lavender would have welcomed a rip in her jeans just below the knee as a stylistic choice, her younger self was in no way welcoming of the damaged clothing. She was even less welcoming of the laughter that came her way from some of the other children.

"Suppose that's a week's dinner for Little Lavender, eh?" they said.

Or, "Reckon her Mum's going to need a third job now?"

Lavender would later swear to her Mum that she hadn't seen anything fall into the nearby mud puddle, but the girl would never forget the size of the splash. It was so big it could almost be called an explosion of mud.

As she remained miraculously clean from a short distance away, Lavender decided that watching the other children covered from head to toe in the filthy, muddy water was immensely satisfying.