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Tyler Adams
10 Oct 2010
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
24,0 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: White male, with brown hair, and hazel eyes

Mindset: A strong-minded person who looks out for others I love adventure and I'll be in the front line if there is a battle.
Biography: I am British, although I grew up in Italy for most of my life. My father (who is a wizard) disappeared one night when I was 7 he went out to his uncle's because his aunt was sick but on the way there he dissapered. My mother (who is a Muggle) is always very secretive about my father and doesn't speak much about him. My brother, Cole, is in his 3rd year at Hogwarts. My first instance of magic was when I was 9, I was walking to our country club in England during a thunderstorm and I somehow managed to make a shield around myself to protect me from the rain. My father always used to tell my brother and me that he comes from a long generation of wizards and witches. He also told us not to be them, "Rather be the best of you... and I know that your two's best will be the best this world has ever seen." I always used to love going on adventures and exploring things, however, my grades are also as important to me. I've always been an A student. My worst subject was always Maths. I enjoy watching movies and reading.