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Elena Blackwood
25 Apr 2011
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
35,4 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Elena is a white girl who's 4 feet 7 inches or 140 cm actually since she's eleven. She have a nice dark brown long straight hair but her mom taught her to curl it without heat to not hurt yourself since she's young. She have wonderful plump pink lips and grey/blue eyes. Since she's young she doesn't wear makeup already like my avatar but she have freckles.

Mental Description: Elena is someone who's kind and have a lot of empathy toward others even if she don't know them personaly. She's someone who's ready to help anyone that need help with anything even if it's just to be a ear to them to be listened when people are feeling down. She's also a good student and love to study even if she knows how to spend funny and happy times with her friends. She doesn't spend all of her time in books actually. She's also really brave and she is ready to give her life to save her friends, family. She isn't scared of a lot of thing actually. She's just scared of deep water so she doesn't like the black lake.

Biography: She's born in a family with a mother who's a muggle and her dad who's a wizard and work at the magical minestry. The Blackwood are actually a family of pureblood but her dad was in love with her mom and doesn't when he was young that she was a muggle. Now he care and try to hide the fact that she's a muggle and doesn't let anyone from the outside met her so he can lie and tell that we're purebloods. The Blackwood are also all Ravenclaw so he espect her daughter to be a Ravenclaw too but... would she ? She also have a little brother called Evan but he's like 6.

First Instance of Magic: Actually the first time it happens was when her mom didn't want to buy her a book that she wanted for a long time and Elena was highly mad and all the books falls in the small part of the library where they went.

PS: English isn't my first language just to be clear. So I maybe did some mistakes and I gladly accept that we tell me when and where. I wouldn't mind at all.