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Lancelot Pemberton
14 May 2011
Inverness, Scotland
Second year, Ravenclaw
25,6 cm mayhaw wood and dragon heartstring
*First instance of magic has been updated*
Nicknames: Lance

Physical Description: He has brown hair and is quite small for his age. His eyes are brown and when not in uniform he likes to pull on the first hoodie he can find, barely noticing if it is the right way on.
Faceclaim: Paxton Booth

Mental Description: Lancelot is usually considered shy, but inside he has much going on. He is creative, and there always seems to be a new idea popping up in his brain. although others aren't always happy about it. His foucs tends to zoom in on the current interest and he forgets most everything else, including taking care of his needs (something his mother finds very annoying).

He's not good at talking to new people, becuase he never knows what to say or where to look. He cares about people when he gets to know them, it just takes time to get to know them. Usually he needs time alone, after being social, or he'll be stressed and come across as rude.

He likes mathematics and tends to organize everything neatly, both objects like pens but also in his mind, which gives him a good sense of direction. He likes rules - written out, because there seems to be many unwritten rules that he doesn't quite understand.

Interests: Why magic makes technology stop working, numbers and letters, books

Biography: Being a half-blood mostly growing up in the muggle word, Lance went to muggle school. He had a few friends there, although he coudln't quite figure out the social game and wasn't the best at soccer when they played. He mostly played with his friends Finley Baker and Joshua Mann.

  • Mother Jodie Michaels, a muggle working as a nurse and father Donovan Pemberton, a wizard working at the ministry of magic. They were together for a few years before separating and Jodie has most of the care for their two children, but both Lancelot and Isolde knows about magic and spends time with their father from time to time.
  • Stepfather Christopher Michaels, a muggle working at an IT-company who is nice to Lance and Isolde.
  • Older half brother Caspian Pemberton. He is a pure-blood who doesn't like that his younger siblings are half-blood and can be a bit rude, but he sometimes enjoy being the older brother who can teach them everything about magic - and quidditch. He's four years older than Lance and is in Slytherin.
  • Younger sister Isolde Pemberton. She's childish and likes fashion and palying with dolls and Lance isn't very interested, so they rarely play togehter, unless they're explicitly told to do so. She's annoying and they fight regularly.
First Instance of Magic: When Lance was 7, he came home from school to find that his mom had rearranged his room and moved his things around (a disaster) and he was upset, and not long efter everything on one of the shelves fell down as if thrown, with a crash loud enough for his mom to hear and come to find out what was going on, and learned to not move things in his room again. He didn't really understand what had happened, but efter he told his dad he understood that he had done it with magic.