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Cora Donnelly
14 Mar 2012
Edinburgh, Scotland
First year, Hufflepuff
30,0 cm dogwood wood and dragon heartstring
Cora Donnelly is 144cm (4'9 ish) and it annoys her to no end that she couldn't just grow ONE MORE FREAKIN CENTIMETRE. Her hair is chestnut brown with a tinge of red when she's under the sun - it's quite straight but a lil bit wavy; Cora is grateful every single day that she didn't inherit her mum's crazy curls that take hours to brush out. Cora's eyes are greyish-green and side note, she's very good at staring competitions. Spending a lot of time outdoors as a child should've tanned her up a bit, or at least made her skin somewhat immune to the sun - BUT NO - she is as pale a marshmallow (a white one) - not to mention her nose gets sunburned all the time... and being too lazy to apply sunscreen doesn't make things any better. According to her aunt, she smiles like her dad but laughs like her mum. Cora's ears sorta stick out and it used to annoy her but she got over it - she can also turn her tongue upside down :) She's an athletic person; chasing her older brother around over the years made her a very good runner. However, Cora's athleticism spans no further as her coordination is an absolute shambles and her dancing skills are limited to spontaneous wiggles.

Cora is an outdoors person. 99% of the time. That 1% is reserved for when it's raining because she absolutely hates rain. She's a dog-person and loves going on runs with her border-collie called Goat but as a young kiddo, she owned a pygmypuff called Pinkie who was actually green because Cora's brother had said pink was too girly and performed a colour-changing charm. Cora loves talking and she got this from her aunt - she's often told she's a chatterbox. Mildly bossy but mainly just determined to do things right; Cora likes being a leader and planning things to a T is her strength. She's been raised to be a "respectful young lady with good manners and a kind heart" to quote her uncle. That being said, she has a quick temper and oftentimes, conversations turn into heated debates (she has a sharp mind and a sharp tongue). Cora enjoys being given philosophical prompts and discussing them with her friends. A teacher who had taught her brother too once said she was an attention-to-detail person while her brother was a big-picture person. Cora loves food. All food. It's probably a Donnelly thing to love food to this extent.

Before Hogwarts, Cora lived at the Donnelly farm in South Queensferry, Edinburgh. She grew up with her doggo Goat and spent a considerable amount of time roaming the grounds in her gumboots. She would go for walks with Goat and help her brother (Archie - 2 years older) herd the sheep into different paddocks when Goat was being trained to be a sheep-dog. A core memory Cora had before Hogwarts was cooking with her aunt (Jackie) all the time. Aunt Jackie would cook using spells and although Cora could only watch as the magic happened, after witnessing all the wonderful creations, she couldn't wait to become a witch and learn charms herself so she could join in. Aunt Jackie was the one who Cora had gotten her talkativeness and temper from. The Donnelly farm was a flower farm and while her dad managed the calla lilies, her mum did beekeeping (Jean had always found herself having bonds with animals and could somehow understand their feelings). Cora spent lots of time reading about botany and she liked worms. Her best friend growing up was Emilie who lived on the neighbouring farm (THEY OWNED COWS IT WAS AWESOME) - they spent lots of time together and loved to hop around in haystacks. Emilie followed in her grandma's footsteps and went off to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic the same year Cora went to Hogwarts.

Cora's first instance of magic happened out of the blue a little after her 8th birthday when she was playing fetch with Goat. She was using the hose out to wash off all the mud that had collected in his fur - Cora was giddy with excitement as Goat ran around in circles chasing his tail. Sensing her excitement, Goat ran up to her and playfully ran around her. Her laughter couldn't be contained and as she let out a loud guffaw, the hose suddenly flew out of her grasp as if it had a mind of it's own and waved around in the air, drenching her from head to toe. The sudden cold from the water stunned her and Cora screamed for her parents. Instead of being concerned like their daughter was, Jean and Angus laughed at the hose that was still writhing around in the air. Not caring about getting wet, they gave Cora the tightest hug and she still remembers her dad whispering "welcome to the wonderful world of magic my little witch". Jean stopped the hose with a wave of her wand and they all ran back to the house yelling for aunt Jackie to make a cake to celebrate.

NOTE: I only have one account and Harmony Hollins is my friend. We meet up to write together along with Flynn Montgomery which is probably why we had the same IP address as we logged on in the same location. Hopefully this clears things up, thank you.

Second note: all edits are bolded, hope that helped.