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Violet Castle
10 Oct 2011
Keswick, England
Second year, Hufflepuff
28,9 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Violet has short black hair that frames her round face, and her tan skin is adorned with a sprinkle of freckles – something unusual to her family. Her most striking feature is her vibrant green eyes, which sparkle with curiosity and mischief and serve as another unusual characteristic no one else in the family can claim. She stands at approximately 4 feet 8 inches, and she can usually be spotted by her signature accessories: a pendant necklace shaped like a tiny, silver key, and a small velvet pouch. She believes that these items hold a touch of magic and bring her luck in her daily adventures.

Mental Description: Violet exudes a whimsical and enchanting aura. She has an imaginative mind, always brimming with curiosity and wonder. She has a vibrant and positive outlook on life and often points out the beauty and magic in even the simplest of things. While she occasionally displays moments of absentmindedness, she possesses a surprising depth and intuition and displays a keen sense of observation and a knack for picking up on subtle details that others might overlook. She is an air of mystery.

Though she mostly follows the rules, Violet also displays a streak of defiance. Every now and then, she likes to challenge expectations and break free from conformity. These moments of rebellion, while infrequent, are fueled by her desire to push boundaries and explore new possibilities.

Biography: Violet's pre-Hogwarts life was filled with splendid wonders and enchanting moments. Her family, including her Chinese parents who had relocated to England for work, created a small and loving unit. Her father, skilled in the craft of broom making, took pride in his work, while her mother had previously served as a Court Scribe, but chose to dedicate herself to full-time homemaking upon Violet's birth.

Settling in the peaceful town of Keswick, nestled in the Lake District region, Violet experienced the joys of growing up in a secluded magical community, surrounded by fellow witches and wizards. Their dwelling was a cozy cottage, embraced by lush greenery, radiating comfort and tranquility. The walls were adorned with colorful paintings, and shelves overflowed with books on magical creatures and spellcasting. The heart of their home was a grand fireplace, crackling with magical flames that danced to the rhythm of their laughter and joy.

Within Keswick's magical community, Violet formed deep connections with a close-knit group of friends. Gathering in the town square, they shared laughter and exchanged tales of their extraordinary magical escapades. These friendships held a special place in Violet's heart, as they indulged in mischief and embarked on whimsical adventures together. Exploring the enchanting landscapes of the Lake District, they discovered hidden magical creatures and sought out secret hideouts, fostering a sense of wonder and excitement in their lives.

First Instance of Magic: Violet's first magical experience occurred when she was seven years old. While playing in the garden, she stumbled upon the shed, not really having any intentions other than finding something new to play with. The shed was small, and dark, with traces of gnomes, those mischievous creatures that often visited the garden. Overflowing with curiosity, she rummaged through the shed and, much to her surprise, one of the broomsticks just levitated right off the ground, floating effortlessly in the air. She let out a loud "AHHH!" and fell back onto a sack of fertilizer, caught off guard by the unexpected occurrence. But soon after, laughter bubbled up as she realized it was just a broom.

Unable to contain her excitement, Violet dashed into the house, heading straight for her dad to share the news of her newfound magical ability. This unplanned wandless magic marked the beginning of her journey into the wizarding world, something she had always anticipated and dreamed of.