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Minh Lacy
Chorleywood, England
First year, Ravenclaw
25,7 cm mayhaw wood and dragon heartstring
Minh Lacy was born and raised in a wizarding family. His mother owns a small sweet shop in his hometown of Chorleywood and his father works for the Ministry of Magic in the Magical Law Enforcement office. He is the youngest of four children and is positively delighted to attend Hogwarts. He has two 17 year old twin brothers and a 14 year old sister, all who attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He wanted very desperately to attend a Muggle school before he went to Hogwarts, and his parents allowed him to. At this Muggle school, he achieved top marks and was the best in his class. Whenever he was asked what his parents did for work, the cover story would be that both of his parents were freelance writers. He has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes and wears black wire rimmed glasses. He is quite thin and also quite tall for his age. He is a very bubbly most of the time, but sometimes has phases where he gets very distant and withdrawn. The phases may or may not be triggered by something, but are most often not triggered by an outside event. He loves eating, reading, talking, and writing. He is a very intelligent boy, but often gets lost in space. He is very imaginative, but is very bad at thinking through problems.