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Quillius Falke
Bristol, England
28,3 cm cherry wood and unicorn hair
Born to a loving muggle family, Quillius's future as a wizard was supported, albeit a bit hesitantly at first. But they helped ease him into the new world as best they could while doing all they could to educate themselves in the wizarding world. He and his younger brother both have magical abilities and the experience provided them a close bond.

Joining in 1994, Quillius quickly became familiar with the infamy surrounding Hogwarts. It was an overwhelming experience for the next 7 years, but he still looks back on it all fondly for the good times and memories made. He managed to make the quidditch team his final two years as a chaser and fell in love with the sport.

He graduated intending to go into a career at the Ministry of Magic in the Department of Magical Games and Sports due to his love for quidditch. He landed an internship that rolled into three years of employment before he and a coworker made a bet regarding trying out for a professional quidditch team. Much to their surprise, he ended up making the team for the Tutshill Tornados as a chaser where he played for the next eight years.

He would have continued his career as a professional quidditch player had it not been for a muggle vehicular accident that took his leg and nearly took the life of his mother. It took him some time to get back to flying, but his skills had greatly diminished and he was unable to make the team once again.

He was offered the position of Professor of Flying at Hogwarts and graciously accepted.