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Flynn Montgomery
17 Dec 2010
Ostfordshire, England
Second year, Hufflepuff
24,2 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Flynn Montgomery was born December 17th 2010 and stands at a respectable 4 foot 10 inches slightly looking over those around him. his auburn hair looks brown unless caught in the sunlight where it displays his ginger tints which he keeps back in an unkept mullet courtesy of his Scottish mother. despite his taller frame, he has a slightly stockier build than someone of his size but he still looked like a slender body compared to his rugby-playing friends he grew up around. he can thank his fair skin and blue eyes to his father as well as his freckle-free face despite his mother's sparse freckles dotted around her nose.

while most assume from his taller frame and untidy appearance that Flynn was a person who would rebel and be uncaring in reality Flynn was a stickler for the rules and only appeared to be rebellious due to his aptitude for finding a loophole in the rules which he used to benefit those around him rather than his own personal gain. he always considered those closest to him family a trait he learnt from his father while he raised him to be a "gentleman before anything else" as his dad would say. he earnt the mantra of "mussels" an ironic nickname given because he was considered tough on the outside but sweet on the inside as well as an inherent passion for sports

Flynn grew up in the modest village of Ostfordshire in the English region of East Yorkshire, to a Nordic muggle father and a Scottish witch and would quickly display his magical abilities. knowing the inevitability of their son ending up in Hogwarts both parents agreed to raise Flynn in a way that lets him acknowledge the wizarding world while still being raised and shown life in a muggle world for the first 10 years of his life. Flynn had been sworn to secrecy from a young age about his magical abilities a promise he held close for his earlier years. Growing up Flynn naturally grew more and more interested in sports taking up various muggle sports with the help of his father (something in which they closely bonded over) and learning the various ins and outs of quidditch with his mother. nearing his 11th birthday Flynn knew he'd have to say goodbye to most of the muggle life he once knew. he slowly started to formulate the cover-up story of telling his friends he was moving to a new boarding school that opened up further south so that when he had to say goodbye it didn't feel as hard as it could've been.

his parents first became aware of Flynn's magical abilities at 2 years old when they both stumbled across Flynn amongst a heap of toys giggling away at the cars and action figures that were floating around his head this became a fun game for Flynn that often had to be quickly stopped by his parents before everything got too messy.