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Harmony Hollins
31 Oct 2011
London, England
Second year, Hufflepuff
24,9 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: A 4'6 girl with slightly wavy, shoulder-length, layered black hair. She has honey-brown eyes and cheeks that easily go red with embarrassment or exercise. She has gained slight muscle due to partaking in dance and martial arts from a young age.

Mental Description: Growing up with very open parents, Harmony tries to keep opinions objective when it comes to others. When it comes to herself, however, she finds it more difficult. A 'gifted kid', she has high expectations for herself and does not see herself as skilled. She tends to overthink interactions and worries needlessly about relationships with friends, but when she has something or someone she loves, she loves strongly. Harmony is very creative due to an artsy upbringing and likes to daydream.

Biography: With both parents (both half-blood) having theatre backgrounds, Harmony naturally became a theatre kid. Her family frequented The Globe Theatre, where she developed a love for Shakespeare that was furthered by a friend she met. Harmony's attachment to her friend was reflected in her attachment to the one hobby that connected them and, although the two have since drifted, Harmony's love for theatre and English remained. Along with Shakespeare, Harmony has participated in dance for several years and loves to sing, both skills leading her to ensemble roles in musical productions. Harmony has also taken taekwondo lessons because her parents said her best friend(who had been told Harmony would be there) would be there but they both enjoyed it and stuck around.

First Instance of Magic: Harmony was too young for her to remember, but her parents enjoy telling the story of when young Harmony was jumping on the couch while her parents prepared lunch in the room next door. With such a dubious activity and such a small landing surface area, Harmony slipped and fell off the couch, directly onto her arm. Her parents only heard a loud thud and a "demonic screech" before a bright pulse of energy shot through the house, shattering the windows. She was rushed to a Healer for her arm and then to a bakery for her First Instance of Magic celebration