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Hyorin Kim
06 Jun 2011
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
23,3 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description:

Shoulder length dark brown hair that shines in the light, her choice of hairstyle frames her heart-shaped face perfectly. Her eyes are almond-shaped and often gives off a expressions of their own, without a need for her to speak. Her eyes are dark brown, almost black, and they sparkle with intelligence and warmth. When she smiles, dimples appear on both sides of her mouth, adding to her charm and sweetness. Her smiles are radiant, and it illuminates her face, making her seem more beautiful. Her complexion is smooth and with a touch of golden undertones. Her distinctive features, including her long black hair, cat-like eyes, and dimples when she smiles, make her a unique and memorable presence. She stands around average height among girls her age, and her weight around the healthy range.

Mental Description:

Hyorin is ambitious, but her ambition is not driven by a desire for power or connections. Instead, She is motivated by a deep-seated curiosity about the world around her, especially regarding all kinds of Muggle related knowledge. She craves knowledge and understanding, and she believes that acquiring knowledge is the key to achieving her goals. Her resourcefulness is expressed in a unique way.

Instead of using her cunning to manipulate others, she uses it to find creative solutions to problems even in the face of adversity or uncertainty She is not afraid to take risks or to try new approaches, and she is not bound by convention or tradition. While she is not particularly competitive, she is fiercely independent.

She values her freedom and autonomy, and will not be swayed by peer pressure or groupthink. She is confident in her own abilities and ideas, and she is not afraid to go against the grain if she believes it is the right thing to do. Her ambition can sometimes border on obsession, and she can become single-minded in her pursuit of success and have tunnel vision. Her loyalty is unshakable, but it can also be a double-edged sword. While she will go to great lengths to protect and support her friends and allies, she can be fiercely protective and territorial.

She can be possessive of the people she cares about, and she can become jealous or resentful if she perceives any threats to her relationships. Hyorin is known to be a complex and multifaceted individual, with a strong sense of ambition, resourcefulness, and loyalty. While she can be ruthless and manipulative at times, she is also fiercely independent and self-reliant. Her strengths and weaknesses make her a formidable opponent and a loyal ally, depending on which side of her you find yourself on.

Hyorin Kim was born on the 6th June 2011 on a relatively warm summer’s morning in London. She was the second child of the Kim's and they were delighted at the thought of having both a son and a daughter. The family already had a son, and now having one of each made it just right. Her parents both came from wealthy pureblood families who had established their business successfully after moving over to England several generations ago. They lived in a grand and prestigious home in the heart of Chelsea.

Her parents and older siblings both loved her for as her mother would put it, one of the most beautiful baby she had ever laid her eyes upon. As she began to grow up, such comments were commonplace and Jaeho and his wife were both especially pleased and proud to receive such compliments of their newest child. Hyorin too relished in the spotlight of attention, always eager and pleased to receive the assortment of compliments tossed her way.

She had always been exceptionally grateful that she was born into a loving and wealthy family, and she had many peers who did not enjoy the luxury of having such affectionate parents. Despite being part of the wealthy pureblood society circle, her parents were not elitist and therefore did not raise their children as such. Like many other children, she and her brother were educated on a decently adequate level, and were knowledge about many subjects and topics in the wizarding world that were more mature for their age.

First Instance of Magic:

One sunny morning, while the entire Kim family was gathered for breakfast, Hyorin presented herself at the dining table in a terrible mood. Sleep had eluded her for most of the night and early hours of the morning, and she was now more grumpy than usual. To make matters' worst, her nose kept running, and the sneezes started coming. At first, things went on as usual, and the family continued their meal while Hyorin was too occupied with sneezing to start her breakfast.

Then came her biggest sneeze yet, and to everyone's surprise, the jug of milk her father was holding shattered into many pieces. Her brother was shocked, but the smile on her parents' faces said it all, which her father remarking "There it is!" The mess of milk on the dining table wasn't a concern, as her mother whipped out her wand, cleaning the mess and fixing back the jug with a simple Reparo spell. Realising what had happened, her brother started clapping his hands before continuing wolfing down his food.