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Lizzi Silver
26 Jun 2011
Nottingham, England
Second year, Ravenclaw
29,0 cm spruce wood and rougarou hair
Proud Ravenclaw
Physical Description:
Lizzi has lovely, flowing brown hair, which is naturally curly, but she sometimes straightens it. Lizzi can often be seen with her hair tied up in a messy bun or ponytail to keep it out of her eyes whilst she stays rapt in her work. Lizzi has piercing grey / blue eyes.

Mental Description:
Lizzi is always focused on her schoolwork. She is never late on assignments, and enjoys school as much as anything. In her rare moments of free time, Lizzi enjoys strolls through woodlands and baking her heart out. But Lizzi's favourite past time has to be reading. She reads whenever she can, even whilst eating, or walking. All the time really. Lizzi has high ambitions for her post-school life. Lizzi is easily angered and irritated.

Lizzi grew up in a small muggle household, in a small muggle village. The neighborhood was exceptionally friendly, and everybody knew everyone. She grew up with a big brother, but she preferred to play with the other children in the village.

First Instance of Magic:
Lizzi's best friend was being bullied, and, feeling her blood boiling, Lizzi was just about to step in. Suddenly, the bully was pushed to the ground by no determinable force. All of the children began to gather around the bully, but, feeling strangely like she had something to do with the strange encounter, Lizzi hung back.