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Jay Perrin
15 Apr 2011
Glencoe, Scotland
First year, Hufflepuff
26,1 cm hornbeam wood and dragon heartstring
Hi, so I know I need to fix my place of residency but I am not sure how to fix it. I fixed the issue with the hight and the accidental magic, but I don't know what setting I have to go to to fix the location, the new city I was planning to change it to was Glencoe, a real place, any guidance you can provide on this would be appreciated, thanks!

Jay is just under five feet, coming in at 4'11. Rather tall for her age, but she uses this to her advantage, in sports and intimidation. She has short, wavy, red hair, with an undercut, that she often ties in a tight ponytail or army bun so that it does not disturb her. She has a light sprinkling of freckles but you can only so many that you don't notice till you are right by her. She has an incredibly lean build, which helps her greatly in her athletics. She has pale grey eyes and a square face.

Jay has developed anxiety, but has learned how to cope with it and to not let it drastically affect her life. Jay has the INFJ-T personality, meaning she is creative, insightful, principled, passionate, and altruistic. However, she is also sensitive to criticism, a perfectionist, and prone to burnout. Jay also has ADHD, but has also managed to find the loop holes and not let it affect her. Jay has respect for the rules when they make sense, but when they are petty or frivolous, she pays little attention to them and has to moral dilemma when breaking them. Thankfully, she is sneaky enough to get away with this. Jay can come up with a believable story on the spot and often does so to avoid the prying questions from muggles.

Jay is an avid athlete, playing the muggle sports, rock climbing, basketball, and swimming, while also practicing Quidditch on her makeshift pitch back at home. She grew up in the highlands of Scotland, and thanks to her large 100+ acres of land, she is able to practice quidditch without exposing herself. She has attended private school all her life, paid for with her mothers large paycheck from the ministry. Although this means she spends long hours at the office, slightly disconnecting her from the rest of the family. Unlike her mother, her father tends to the many fields and animals that live on her property. Jay exceeds in school, consistently getting all A's, but she doesn't make studying a big part of her life, which can lead to late nights cramming. Jay has too older sisters, both who were born with magical abilities and attended Hogwarts. Rio, who has just graduated, and Cooper, who is very close with Jay, who is now starting her fourth year at Hogwarts. Jay has some good friends at school, but does not hang out often, dedicating her life to her sports.

Jay, who was seven at the time, was playing Quidditch with her siblings and father, who was a little unsteady on a broom but made an effort, she is a natural beater but was playing the position of chaser to help make the game run smoother. She was just about to score a goal when out of the corner of her eye she saw that the bludger has escaped from its box and was heading directly for her father, who was completely unaware of the imminent danger. Before knowing what she was doing, she stuck out her hand, but was thrown off balance and started plummeting to the ground. But as she fell she found herself slowing to a gentle speed and was able to land softly on her feet. After this occasion, a celebration was held, for now being the third witch in the family.