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Isa Malia
16 Jul 2010
clovelly, England
First year, Hufflepuff
26,7 cm blackthorn wood and dragon heartstring
Full Name: Isa Fable Malia

NickNames: Malia, Sunshine, (Little Lamb, Bambi, Daisy. Only my big brother calls me these)

This Years Motto:Maybe the flowers remind us why the rain was so necessary

Physical Description:
I stand at 5-feet-tall, my slim build and delicate features give me an almost ethereal appearance. The complexion of my skin glows with the sun's warmth, a testament to my love for spending time outdoors. It's not uncommon for me to have rosy cheeks and a playful smile that showcases my dimples, something I inherited from my mother.

My face is adorned with freckles, which add a playful touch to my otherwise demure appearance. A small nose and full, naturally pink lips curve upward the slightest bit, adding to my mischievous nature. While a heart-shaped birthmark on the nape of my neck and a tendency to bite my lower lip when lost in thought betray my contemplative nature.

My light brown eyes are perhaps my most striking feature, large and expressive, almost doe like, exude warmth and a hint of mischief. The long lashes that curl upwards accentuate my captivating gaze that has been known to disarm even the most guarded of hearts.

My dark brown hair cascades down my back in natural curls that often have a mind of their own. The thick and lustrous locks have natural highlights that shimmer in the light, drawing attention to my face and accentuating my charming features. You'll usually find my hair messy, in a bun, or ponytail, with wildflowers tied into random places - Something my older brother did when I was sad.

I have small, nimble hands with long, slender fingers that are often covered in ink from my numerous journal entries and doodles. My physical features come together to create a look that is both enchanting and approachable

Mental Description:
I have a passion for books - all kinds, but especially those that take me to fantastical realms beyond my imagination. The pages transport me to other worlds, where magic, adventure, and mythical creatures reign supreme.

When I speak, my voice is soft and gentle, with a melodic quality that I've been told is pleasant to listen to. There's a warmth and richness to it that seems to draw people in, making them feel comfortable around me. I tend to always put the needs of others before my own. My heart is kind and empathetic, and I'm often described as a good listener.

Despite my delicate appearance, there's a quiet strength within me. I'm inquisitive by nature, always seeking to learn more about the world around me. I appreciate beauty in all forms, whether it's in art, music, or the natural world. I have a keen eye for detail and can find meaning in the smallest things in life.

My imagination is vivid and boundless, and I have a love for creative expression. Whether it's through writing, music, or art, I find joy in exploring different ways to express myself. However, I often struggle with self-critique and feelings of inadequacy.

I have a strong intuition and trust my gut instincts when making decisions. I can sense things that others can't, and it can make me seem mysterious or enigmatic at times. I enjoy pushing boundaries and challenging authority, always eager to explore new ideas and perspectives. My curiosity knows no bounds, and it often leads me down unexpected paths.

I was born in a small farm town, sandwiched between my older brother, Riven, and my younger sister, Ayla. Growing up, I always felt like an outsider in my family. Unlike my siblings, I was introspective and shy, preferring to lose myself in books, explore the vast woods behind our house, or tend to the garden.

Riven, my older brother, was my rock. He was my confidant, my protector, and my best friend. Whenever I got into trouble with our parents, which happened quite often, Riven was always there to fight my battles. He always included me in things with his friends, which had it's ups and downs, one of the downs was that most of my friends were older than me. He was my support system, especially during a rough patch I went through recently. When my parents were too busy with their own interests to notice, he was the one who helped me get back on my feet. Even now, he checks on me frequently, asking how I'm doing and making sure that I'm okay.

My parents loved us deeply, but they were often preoccupied with their own work and hobbies. They wanted us to be independent and self-reliant, which has helped me become resilient and self-sufficient, but it has also left me feeling emotionally distant from them. I always felt like I had to take care of things on my own and was hesitant to ask for help when I needed it.

As I grew older, my love for beauty grew stronger. I became captivated by art, nature, and the fantastical worlds I found in books. I discovered a passion for music and taught myself to play guitar and sing. It was through these creative outlets that I found solace and a way to express myself.

First Instance of Magic:
I remember that night vividly, as if it happened only yesterday. I was sitting in my room, reading a book and trying to unwind after a long day. But something was off. I couldn't shake this feeling of restlessness and unease that had been creeping up on me all day. Suddenly, I couldn't sit still any longer. I got up from my bed and started pacing around my room, my muscles tense and my heart racing.

As I walked past my desk, I noticed the vase of flowers I had picked from my garden earlier that day. But they were no longer vibrant and alive; instead, they had withered and died. That's when I felt it. A burning sensation that started in my fingertips and spread rapidly throughout my body. And then, just like that, the vase exploded into a thousand tiny pieces, shards of glass flying everywhere.

I should have been injured, maybe even seriously hurt. But somehow, I wasn't. It was as if a force field had protected me from harm. I stood there in shock, staring at the shattered remains of the vase and trying to make sense of what had just happened. I couldn't explain it, but I knew that something had awakened inside of me.