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Venus Adair
12 Feb 2011
Foula, Scotland
Second year, Slytherin
27,0 cm walnut wood and phoenix feather
Hi! Wales was a mistake. Venus is from Foula, Scotland. So sorry about that!

Physical Description:
Venus is taller than most girls of her age at 4’11. Her legs, which are longer than her upper body, are gangly and often scraped up at the kneecaps. In the words of Mars, her grace is that of a jellyfish attempting to do the polka. Her complexion ranges from porcelain white in the winter to beige in the summer. When it is not kept up in a loose bun, her long, chestnut-brown hair falls in waves to her mid-back. Her hazel-colored doe eyes appear to have a permanent sparkle of amusement that glows brighter when she smiles. In comparison to her other, smaller and more delicate features, they stand out on her face.

Mental Description:
Venus lives in her own fantasy land. It's always sunny there and everything works out in the end. She could be the knight, the princess, the hermit, or even the villain of the story. Any goal is possible as long as she works hard enough to get there.

Failure is the dragon standing between Venus and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. If her determination and tunnel-focus is not enough to slay it, ignoring it is the next best strategy. Although she would never admit it, perhaps some of what her grandparents have told her repeatedly has been imbedded conscious. Failure is a monster but quitting is a form of treason.

Venus holds chivalry and morality in high regard. She is a fighter rather than a damsel in distress, a leader rather than a follower. Venus would take on any quest if it was to protect what she truly believed was right.

Rather than observing, Venus spends more time talking. Through her curiosity, she pieces together impressions of who those around her seem to be and does not bother to check that her assumptions are correct. Venus is not a flexible-minded individual (in fact, quite the opposite) so it takes a lot of effort to change her opinions.

The first rule in the Adair family handbook is simple— you must win. Yes, there is a family handbook. Every pureblood family of adequate status must have one. It was written in the late 18th century and is preserved in the upper right hand corner of Family Archives Shelf #3D, the shelf containing records of etiquette and proper behavior, including unions and alliances with other pureblood houses.

Ulysses Adair, a winner? One might puzzle over the association. To those who knew him in his school years, the phrase “odd duck” suited him better. He was rarely ever on time to class and his shoes were often on the wrong feet when he was. Space and the study of muggle science were his main passions. A majority of his time was spent in the astronomy tower or in the library studying astronomy. He (somehow) graduated from the Ravenclaw house and currently works from the Adair Manor, publishing a research paper every once in a while.

To the average pureblood gossip hound, the news of Ulysses’s marriage came as a shock. Angeline Ha came from an affluent background and was known as the most beautiful girl in her year. She didn’t know of Ulysses’s existence when they were students. After graduating from the Slytherin house and pursuing a career in the Ministry, an arrangement at a gathering was made and the betrothal was set. They married that summer.

The children of the newlywed couple were named (at the insistence of Ulysses) following the pattern of planets. First came Mercury, or Ry as she goes by, born in 2008. She is the most studious of the group and was sorted into Hufflepuff upon arrival to Hogwarts. Mars, born in 2013, is the youngest. As the only boy of the family, he got into trouble the most because of his competitive nature and temper. Venus, the middle child, was born in 2011. She has neither the responsibility of her older sister or the rebellious nature of her younger brother. Instead, she was the peacemaker between the two, the glue which kept quarrels from turning into grudges.

Venus and her siblings were raised on the sprawling grounds of the Adair manor. Located on the island of Foula, the manor is surrounded entirely by wild land free to explore if the weather permits. Springtime was the season for flower crowns and frog hunting. Summertime was best for making stick forts enacting imaginary battles to see whose design was the most sturdy. Fall brought playing in the mud, which was a temptation too strong to ignore despite the cries of improper behavior received from the adults.

Ulysses and Angeline were permissive with the children. As long as she did well in her homeschool classes, Venus was allowed to do practically anything she wished within reason. It was her grandparents who carried the iron fist of proper manners and wizarding etiquette.

First Instance of Magic:
Venus's first instance of magic occurred at Christmas dinner. Much to the displeasure of the 4-year-old, the side dish of the night was none other than the Worst Food Ever of the week, lima beans. Her face fell as she saw a large pile of them fall onto her plate. Instead of voicing her complaint, she made the decision to hold it inside and take a bite. Much to her surprise, the evil, disgusting, no-good food did not taste bad at all. It tasted surprisingly like... Was that chocolate? She eagerly tried another spoonful but it seemed as if the effect had worn off.