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Oliver Thorn
04 Mar 2011
Aylesbury, England
Second year, Hufflepuff
21,8 cm aspen wood and dragon heartstring
- Physical Description: Light-olive skin, his fugure is tall yet skinny he hides his lack of muscle under his clothing, his skin and facial features and clean and soft with a lack of detail

- Mental Description: Oliver Thorn had lived through a mostly happy childhood, besides the recent unknown disease that had fell on his father, Oliver is quite a happy and healthy boy.

- Biography: Born Half-blood, raised a muggle, Oliver Thorn had no idea what was ahead of him, and even now entering Hogwarts his life still changes, his father Coriolan Thorn was always mysterious to Oliver but so was everything to a 10 year old as up to receiving his Hogwarts letter Oliver's muggle mother wished for him to live a less magical life firstly in order to understand both of his parents worlds, his father was a master enchanter and an ancient-rune fanatic; Oliver's mother was a muggle chef, when Oliver brought up the situation Coriolan only said that his mother had made more magical dishes then any wizard he ever met. His anticipated life at Hogwarts is a new experience to say the least, he read something new everyday with a wide smile during his time counting down the days, and learning even more at home with his father picking out another invention of his from his vast collection and educating Oliver on its use.

- First Instance of Magic: Oliver's sister; Olivia Thorn had taken a scoop of his ice-cream one Friday night when he was 9, frustrated at his sister he eyed her ice-cream wanting to return the favour, but before he could even lift his spoon Olivia's ice-cream vanished, Oliver later found it hidden beneath his own ice-cream at the bottom of his cup.