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Natalie Gardener
10 Oct 2010
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
29,2 cm chestnut wood and thestral tail hair
Physical Description: Natalie, or Nat, has caramel brown waves of hair running down to a little bit longer than her shoulders. She has tan-ish skin that glows perfectly in photos. Her chocolate brown eyes glimmer in the sunlight. She's Short about 5'5 feet 139.7 centimeter's .Her clothing will depend on her mood on that day.

Mental Description: Nat's funny kind and carefree. She likes reading, singing, exercising, chilling out and making new friends. She's happy most of the time but don't make her mad or mess with her friends.

Biography: She lived in an rather big house with windows that had a nice view of London.

First Instance of Magic: She was cooking a cake the pot started bubbling kind of like how a cauldron does. Then the oil started splattering every where! Studently her cat jumped on the counter and tipped the pot over. She braced her self for many heat splinters. She used the pot lid to protect her face. Then the boiling mess was floating right above her. The cat jumped back on the counter and she tried to catch some of the lets call it stuff, Then Nat stopped her. She kind of didn't know how to clean it up so she just left it there. A few second's later after she went upstairs, The stuff splat down on the floor.