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Monty Rex
10 Nov 2010
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
29,2 cm chestnut wood and thestral tail hair
Physical Description: Monty has black dreadlocks and brown eyes. He's taller than average, at 5 feet. He styles his hair in many different ways, but mostly just dreads.

Mental Description: Since he has schizophrenia, his personality varies. He's generally kind and caring, but anger can take the best of him fast. He cares about his twin way too much.
Monty may sometimes isolate himself from everybody, and when he does, it's best to leave him alone. When angry, he becomes aggressive and hostile. When nervous or angry, Monty experiences repeated movements. Rare, but sometimes Monty experiences mental confusion, not being able to think or act as quickly as he usually does. Monty has big anger issues, which normally make him grumpy and wants to be left alone, but if you push him past his limits or strike, he strikes back. He also has anxiety and is very over-protective of his twin. He occasionally has hallucinations or hears voices, or both in sync. They are mostly profound, such as seeing a real person in full detail or hearing clear, understandable voices.

Biography: On Monty's birthday at his uncle's house, a tragic event that left him traumatized happened. A gunman broke into their house and started shooting. Monty recognized him. It was his father's ex-coworker that used to fancy Monty's mother, as he saw her frequently at multiple places. He was obviously there to get revenge. Nobody could stop him- not even Monty's mother, as she didn't bring her wand with her. Over the tragic ten minutes, his sister was shot and two family members (two of his aunts) were killed and his father had sacrificed himself for Monty as his uncle took the gunman down.. Monty was never able to cope with the sequence of events, and he got schizophrenia. He'd experience mental confusion, mood swings, hallucinations, hearing voices, and repeated movements. There was no cure for this, but a way to help live with this was to live every day to the fullest. Later on, Monty and Ariana got a letter telling them they had been accepted into Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft. Monty made an oath with himself that he wouldn't let anything happen to Arianna.

First Instance of Magic: Monty was so mad when they returned from the tragic shooting, he set his wooden bedroom chair on fire.