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Kayleigh Repasky
01 Oct 2010
Edinburgh, Scotland
First year, Gryffindor
29,8 cm cedar wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description:

Hair: Brunette color with traces of red hair, a bit curly on the tips. Long/mid length.

Eyes: light blue and a little grey, short eyelashes.

Skin: light white skin with freckles on her face.

Mental Description: She likes the feeling of energy. She can't stay still without looking for a new adventure. Usually she likes to do things by herself, and almost never looking for any help, even if he needs to. She's pretty friendly with everyone, but sometimes keeping her distance or staying serious.

Biography: She was born in Edinburgh in a small house, her mother and father both pure-blood wizards. Her parents attended at Hogwarts and were recognized by their excellent behavior and grades, but on their last year they broke many rules at school, making them almost being expulsed, it's unknow why they did it, even Kayleigh doesn't know anything about it.

Her mother didn't had any job, but she loved rescue and taking care of magical creatures. She passed away after being attack by a hippogriff, her wounds were severe during he attack, but even if the creature lethally attacked her, She still didn't fought back, she was too loyal to all the magical creatures that she couldn't defend herself against them with the fear of hurting them. Kayleigh was 7 when this happened, but the situation didn't affected her, since her relationship with her mother wasn't too close.

Her father worked at the Ministry of magic at London, more specially at the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. He managed to fight against the lose of his wife, so he worked hard to make sure Kayleigh would have the enough caring, love, and support. Still, he worked everyday, having short time to spend with his daughter.

Kayleigh was playing with a kid in the streets of Edinburgh at night, when almost nobody was out of their houses, they were racing in their bikes when suddenly Kayleigh felt a lot of energy at the race, suddenly she noticed her bike was starting to get up off the ground for a few seconds, her bike was floating while she was still As she kept pedaling through the streets of Edinburgh. Her father noticed it quickly at went there to stop her before any muggle could notice anything. She was 10 when this happened