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Charlie West
11 Jan 2011
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
31,3 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description:
- dark brown hair
- dark brown eyes
- slender, 4'8 height
- 2 moles on cheek

Mental Description:
- Sunshine type
- Kind and friendly
- Courageous
- Bookworm

- I was born in a sprawling english manor in the countryside to a pureblood father and a muggle born mother. They were very doting but strict in the fact that I must go to Hogwarts. I grew up spending time in the family library, poring over any book I could find on Hogwarts. I was hungry for knowledge, something father said was the perfect talent for Ravenclaw. After learning I had magic flowing through my veins, I excitedly asked started practicing, working on my magic until it was deemed worthy by father. But I am nervous. What if I get picked for Slytherin? The house hated by many? Father was from Slytherin, Mother was from Ravenclaw. Who will I become?

First Instance of Magic:
- Was reading in the library when I hear someone yelling outside. Went out to see the muggle born gardener being harassed by father's pureblood friends. I grew quite angry and suddenly, I felt this power bursting out of me and the purebloods were suddenly flying backwards into the neighboring woods. I felt my hands sizzling with energy and I knew that the magic was from me.