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Reyna Evergreen
18 Aug 2011
Guildford, England
Third year, Broomracer, Hufflepuff
35,2 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring

Reyna has wavy mid-length hair that is golden brown. She likes to keep it tied in braids while doing something physical or loose otherwise.
Her eyes are hazel with flecks of silver that reflect on her bravery and dreams. She hates makeup as she believes it hides ones true self and only wears it occasionally.
Her skin is deeply tanned. She is 49kg in weight and 1.5 meters in height. She is considered pretty gorgeous.
She prefers to wear to casual clothes that are comfortable but cares about fashion as well.

Reyna is a natural born leader as her dad (muggle) leads a large company. Although she is a born leader, she struggles to make friends because she has an aggressive nature and is a bit of a control freak. Over the years this has made her a bit shy. She is also extremely brave and will do anything she has to to protect her loved ones. She is considered very brave and strong.
Reyna loves to read, write, talk to her pet dog Aurum (not actually though that would be cool) and learn about magic.

Reyna has a very nice family. Her mother Lisa Evergreen (a witch) and her father George Evergreen (muggle) are very nice to her. She has never been to a real school and was always taught by tutors. Her family is very rich as her mother works in the Ministry of Magic and her father leads a successful business.
Her dog Aurum and her neighbor Hazel were her best friends. Hazel and Reyna had become friends after Reyna had saved her from a bully. Hazel had been the only one who had truly understood Reyna. In most of her free time Reyna read and studied. That was until she got her Hogwarts letter.

Reyna's first instance of magic was while chasing after her dog. While running she tripped over a rock and fell. She had fallen and scraped both of her knees. Reyna who was 8 at the time was very scared and in pain. She felt a small burst of energy and when she stood realized that her knees which were scraped before were now perfectly healed. She was astonished but at the same time happy. When she told her parents they were very happy. She was magical!!!