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Octavius Baird
20 Apr 1988
Perth, Scotland
Ministry Level 2 Employee, II
Red deer
31,8 cm ebony wood and thestral tail hair
Octavius B.
Octavius Baird, kindred amongst all. People knew him for his kindness, his generosity. His perfection that he instilled in the perspective he gave. He showed it was okay to be happy, to be gay, without being targeted. He would be the first warm embrace, someone there to show that he loves you. And your choices. Coming over to the Baird-Carter house would symbolize- happiness. Love. Joy. He believed that kids should be treated as adults, and therefore, respect would be returned.

But that wasn't his childhood. As a child, Octavius often would hang out around the lake nearby the family home- in Perth Scotland. One could say that as he further advanced himself in his life, he never moved. That wasn't true. For a year or so, at the prime age of 10, he found himself in another area. The United Kingdom. He was in the city of London. There were often good and bad things said about that city but all Octavius could find was that he was an interesting kind of boy, that he liked the city. He would cheer on muggle sports, oftentimes the sport he found himself staring at was Football.

His mother (Rebecca Baird) would recount stories of when he was born- the twentieth of April- with his father (Adam Baird) in the room talking about how it was the sunniest day as she held her newborn son. But he didn't want to think back to it. He, himself, felt himself gritting his teeth every time he heard such a story- even if it was the truth. Octavius, during his time in London, would find himself being picked on by his siblings- the stuck-up brothers he had to deal with daily. The bullying only went on for a little while, as he was homeschooled- while his parents were out- the siblings would get away with the bullying. When he finished his difficult arithmetic homework that he'd been working on for weeks on end with his parents, towards the end of April (He was ten at this time, look in the previous paragraph), he let out a scream of anger, and the windows shattered, the glasses exploded, and the plants outside wilted and appeared to die. But upon his mother's return, and his efforts to make everything look normal- would not prevail in any condition or situations he would attempt to mock.

He explained that mysterious sight to his mother, and to his surprise, he found that it was a completely normal thing to happen to every wizardborn, pureblooded child. Unless they were squibs of course.

But since Baird had discovered his first instance of magic, he would only have to wait for something exciting- the letter to Hogwarts! At least, he would hope he retrieves his acceptance letter.

After all, he wouldn't be forgotten, would he?

Once he had finished his school year in London, as Octavius had nothing to do but wait for the letter, day after day, as he moved back to Perth, to his childhood home. When his acceptance letter came in, he was thrilled, and had nothing to do all day but scream in pure excitement. Normally, it'd sound more like a deeper voice, as he liked to sound somewhat decent to those who have to listen to him- but at that time- he was so thrilled he unleashed a high-pitched noise that could potentially drill holes into one's eardrum.

When attending Hogwarts, his time spent at the school of magic, he did nothing but study and show maturity. (Well, with a few exceptions, he did act out in his classes- getting him the title as a problem child, and in return, it would lead to him having to serve quite a few days in his years in detention. And the occasional issues of yelling at people in the halls- and at home- but surely that didn’t classify as “bad behavior” did it? He knew of what he did wrong, but he wished to shut out the mischief, the negative aspects of his first few years- just to have a brighter future.) This behavior would last until his seventh year, when he didn't care for his other classes except for Astronomy. He cared so much for Astronomy he was willing to do anything it took to become a professional in any field of Astronomy- even if it meant teaching children.

Okay, perhaps his childhood wasn’t as sweet as he’d like to retell. He was often filled with mischief and would prank everyone as much as he possibly could- he also bullied his siblings in return, in his neighborhood, picked fights, and went up against Rebecca Baird and Adam Baird (Parents) as often as he wanted to. He was such a troublemaker, that his family nearly disowned him. He would never stop his process of “poking the bear” and irritated the hell out of everyone.

Years later, he faced a confrontation by his pureblooded wife, Helena de Vries- who discovered that Octavius had a child- an illegitimate child- and the mother was a halfblood by the name of Maria Drakes. She would never find herself capable of caring for a child. But as the Baird family prided themselves on being Pureblood, it would result in Maria Drakes leaving the family (But it was made official by a divorce initiated by Octavius)- in risk of shame of a child that wasn’t pureblooded to a pureblood family. He would only pass on the child to a school friend he had growing up.

Upon the divorce, he married Clark Carter, a handsome man he met at Leaky Cauldron on his eleventh birthday- it would only be a few months later that he would find himself going to Hogwarts as a child- at the age of 28, he married Clark Carter (on April 20th, Octavius’s birthday) and together, they adopted three children. January 2017 was when the three children were adopted; Simon and Ben on the first of the month- and Clark towards the end of January.

But while the mens were married since Octavius was 28 (2016)- they later got a divorce in 2023, on April 5th. This resulted in the adopted children to be put back under Octavius’s custody and he wasn’t planning on letting their custody be taken cared for by someone else in his life.

Octavius cared significantly for his children, and if anything were to happen with them, he wanted to be informed about it- and if it were bad, for instance, Clark in his first year during his first few months- he would want to discipline appropriately. He believed that the children he cares for needs proper discipline, but he didn’t want to have to do it himself. He considers the Children as adults and desires that they treat their classmates/dormmates/siblings as adults and solve any trivialities as adults. He saw himself as a mentor, someone to guide the children to a positive future.

First Instance:
When he finished his difficult arithmetic homework that he'd been working on for weeks on end with his parents, towards the end of April (He was ten at this time, look in the previous paragraph), he let out a scream of anger, and the windows shattered, the glasses exploded, and the plants outside wilted and appeared to die. But upon his mother's return, and his efforts to make everything look normal- would not prevail in any condition or situations he would attempt to mock.

Mental Traits:
The man was calm, but should the time come for trouble to be dealt with, he will be there to ensure that the crime is, hopefully, not committed again. Baird would find that by exploring the skies and stars, it's a method of destressing him- making him joyful again.

Physical Traits:
Of course, that could potentially explain the man himself. The pureblood had light brown hair, tan skin, and brown eyes- with a height of 6 foot- average weight of 210 pounds. He was prepared. But not prepared for the future of aging, what could strike him.

Octavius's Wand:
31,8 cm ebony wood and thestral tail hair

Coded by: Winnie Harper