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Akira Setsuna
13 May 2011
London, England
Second year, Gryffindor
21,9 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description:
Akira has grey-ish black medium length hair that is left untied. His hair reaches down somewhere close to neck level. His hair has a pin on the side of his hair and in addition to that, he has two dyed side bangs that are in the color red. His eyes are black(normal standard black human eyes). He stands at a 145 cm tall and weighs around 75 pounds. No scars what so ever. His body build is skimpy and lanky, he seems to be very flexible.

Mental Description:
Akira is very smug. He has a great sense of pride that has remained untouched throughout most of his life-time. He takes great pride in what he does or what decision he makes and is very reckless; his recklessness can sometimes be overwritten by his deep thoughts. in which case there is a balance between his rash and more cautious approaches. Almost as if he's aware of when to be bashful and careful.

Despite his contradicting thought process, Akira has no problem in standing up for himself and the people he holds dear. His intelligence and sassiness causes him to respond to come backs in a very laid back approaches, making witty comebacks; all while showing his signature smug face. Some people think of him as a stuck up little boy, but he rarely misuses his wits only using them to stand up for his friends or the innocent alike.

Apart from that Akira has no mental health issues whatsoever.
Born to a mother who graduated top in her classes in Mahoutokoro and to a muggle father, Akira had expectations toppled onto him at young ages. His father was well aware that his mother was a witch when she had arrived to London after graduating from Mahoutokoro. Of course, his father wasn't aware at first; at some point in their relationship his mother would fess up.

And as such, they married. They had their one and only child Akira. He was, as described by his parents, a massive flesh ball full of energy, even as a baby. Crawling and waddling over to new places he was unfamiliar with, his parents would often have to take shifts to make sure Akira hadn't crawled or waddled out of his little boundary. Growing up in a household with a muggle dad and a pure-blood mother, he had access to both the wizarding world and muggle world. He had a developing interest in magic at the ripe age of 3 which pleased his mother dearly.

Of course, growing up there were instances where Akira had seen his mother perform household chores using magic spells. His curiosity was always peaked whenever his mother used magic he would cease anything he was chewing or playing as a toddler and sit down to watch, sometimes even with his father. Magic was such a big part in his life. So much so that his first word was "Accio.".

Time passed, Akira had his very laidback and calm personality growing up. Akira's parents always pondered, pondered on the thought of how their son could be so well reserved even in such dire situations, everyday while playing outside he would return back with bruises and scratches, but it never stopped him from continuing to explore.

As such, on his 8th birthday, his mother had already began teaching Akira magic, he had a strict schedule, and learned to discipline himself in the process causing his contradicting thought process and as such not making himself reckless in the process; much to his parents delight. It was at this point where Akira had joked around with his mother that if he memorized all the 1000 magical herbs and fungi that she should consider dying his hair. He had meant it as an inside joke, but as he recited his one thousandth herb; his mother had already showed him color schemes on which colored hair he would like, Thus this how he ended up with red side bangs.

3 years had passed, on his eleventh birthday, there was but a simple birthday party. He had learned his fair share of magic from his mother, and had gotten endless amounts of support from his father. His parents showed him every bit of love possible, even though, Akira would've argued that his mom would sometimes go too far with his wand movement trainings and drills.

Akira is left at Diagon Alley with a trunk full of items and necessities from his parents and unconditional amounts of love in his heart.
First Instance of Magic:
His first instance of accidental wandless magic took place when he was merely 7 years old. Growing up, Akira's mother had a pet cat named "Takeshi". At one point, Takeshi was sitting up a tree refusing to come down. Akira had a simple mind back then thinking it was more then okay to try and reason with cats at that age. Of course when it continued to stay up the tree, in a fit of rage, Akira smacked the tree with his tiny hands unintentionally setting a part of it on fire.

A confused Akira watched as a part of the tree erupted into flames as Takeshi was sent flying downwards with fire on it's tail meowing hysterically. His mother would later diffuse the situation from going on any further and any worse then it already was.

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