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Esylle-Rose Ward
22 Jul 2011
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
33,9 cm mayhaw wood and dragon heartstring
Hey! I’m Esylle-Rose.
I have vibrant natural red hair with big hazel puppy-dog eyes. I have a few freckles across the nose and soft red lips. I have a slim figure toned from years of dancing in the muggle world.
I am extremely creative and love writing and drawing. As mentioned before I also have a love for dance which I was extremely good at and even practiced it full-time at a muggle boarding school before being accepted into Hogwarts. Due to growing up in a very toxic environment with the dance world, I have pretty bad anxiety in general. I am also a perfectionist and have slight OCD. I identify as omnisexual, asexual, and demi girl.
I have 2 younger sisters Skye (9) and Lily (3). I am a proud muggle-born Hogwarts student. I have a golden retriever dog by the name of Dragonfly who lives in my family home with my family. My best friends' name is Charlotte Green (Lottie) and I've known her since I was 3.
My first instance of magic was when I was 9 and I was in ballet class. These two girls came up to me during our drink break and started teasing me. They were saying some pretty nasty things causing me to lose it and before I knew it they were thrown up against the mirror on the other side of the room.