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Claude Martinez
10 Apr 2010
Wemyss Bay, Scotland
First year, Slytherin
22,0 cm cherry wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Claude is about 4 feet tall, with mousy brown hair and blue eyes.
Mental Description: Claude is an outgoing boy who loves to make friends and cares for everyone. He has a loving mother and father, with two brothers and one sister, all in Hufflepuff. Claude is not afraid to stand up for himself or for others. Claude includes everybody in his games, because he wants to treat everybody equally and with respect. Claude will protect kids he does not even know against bigger kids who tries to hurt and harras them. Claude makes to especially look out for Squibs, seeing as Pure-blood wizards will mock and torment them. Claude also loves to read books, including many muggle and Wizard histories. Claude cannot stand bullying, because he hates to see anyone in pain and will do all he can to comfort the victim. Claude loves all animals, he makes sure to leave food out for any wild creatures he comes by. Claude also takes care of and talks to his siblings' pets, and they seem to enjoy it. Claude has never hurt an animal or person on purpose.

Biography: Claude moved with his family when he was young. However, Claude settled comfortably into his new life, playing with both squib kids and wizards alike. Shortly after the family moved, all three of Claude's older siblings were accepted into Hogwarts and promptly sorted into Hufflepuff. While Claude was very proud of them, he longed to join them, his desire fueled by the wonderfull teachers they heard about, most especially Professer Longbottom, the former herbology teacher. Claude decided that he would most like the Care of Magical Creatures class, since he loves animals. Claude cannot wait to be accepted into Hogwarts.

First Instance of Magic: Claude had left food out for some racoons that he had seen, when all of a sudden a hawk came down and scooped a racoon up in his talons. Claude panicked and yelled at the hawk, starling it, and the hawk dropped the racoon to the ground. While the racoon fell, Claude attempted to catch it, and to his great surprise, the racoon drifted into his arms and he lowered it to the ground.