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Thomas Henderson
31 Dec 2010
London, England
Second year, Ravenclaw
23,9 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Thomas Henderson is a lean, average-sized boy with a height of 145cm. He has short, black hair, which he keeps neatly combed. His bright blue eyes are alert and curious, often scanning his surroundings with great interest. Thomas has a fair skin tone. He usually wears comfortable, casual clothing that allows him to move around freely.

Mental Description: Thomas is an intelligent, curious, and creative boy with a thirst for knowledge. He enjoys learning new things and exploring the world around him. He has a strong sense of justice and fairness and doesn't hesitate to stand up for what he believes in. Thomas can be quite shy and reserved around strangers, but he opens up quickly to those he trusts. He is a loyal and supportive friend who always tries to help others in need.

Biography: Thomas was born to a wizard father and a Muggle mother in London, England. His father, Andrew Henderson, was a skilled wizard who worked as a magical historian and researcher. Thomas's mother, Catherine, was a school teacher who had no knowledge of the wizarding world until she met Andrew.

Growing up, Thomas had a happy childhood filled with love, laughter, and lots of books. His father encouraged his interest in magic, and Thomas spent many hours reading his father's books and asking him questions. He also enjoyed spending time with his Muggle grandparents, who lived in the nearby village. They taught him about Muggle technology and culture, which fascinated him.

First Instance of Magic: When Thomas was seven years old, he was playing with his toy car in the living room while his parents were out grocery shopping. As he was pretending to drive the car, he suddenly felt a strange tingling sensation in his fingers. To his amazement, the car began to move on its own, gliding across the carpet without any visible means of propulsion. Thomas was both excited and frightened by this unexpected display of magic. He immediately stopped the car with his hands, but the experience left him eager to learn more about his magical abilities.