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Riva Chase
Wizard born
York, England
First year, Ravenclaw
26,4 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Born in the UK, Riva was brought up by both of her parents, Harry and Liona. She had two older brothers. There was a large age gap between the siblings. The eldest, Cal, was born while Harry and Leona had still been young, barely eighteen. Next was Ashton who was born almost three years later. Then came Riva, the girl her mother had always wanted. She entered the world almost nine years later.

Riva's childhood was fairly normal. Like all families, the Chase's had their up's and down's, particularly when the boys hit their teenage years. Cal was the mature one, the one who wanted to head to university and make the most of his life, eventually settling down with a wife and kids of his own in central London. Ashton, however, was the opposite, and so they clashed regularly. Funnily, their arguments would be put on hold while Riva was around. The boys, being older by some years, attended school (Hogwarts) well before Riva and when Cal and Ashton were old enough, they headed of and left Riva by herself. This was probably the hardest part of Riva's life as she'd always had them around, even in the form of weekly letters.

Slowly, the girl started to make friends, mostly those who were somewhat quiet or odd like herself. She had one friend in particular who she got along with the most and who she is still in touch with to this day. When her Hogwarts letter arrived, she was as nervous as the day her brothers had set off into the bog wide world. However, she needn't have been. Since then and now, her life has been thrown upside down and she's had an awful lot to think about. Her time being anxious and worrying has been limited. This year, her first year at Hogwarts, she is hoping to find her feet and make the most of it.