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Urena Thornhill
11 May 2011
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
27,6 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Urena is black, and has white hair (dyed) and hazel-colored eyes. She has a mole on the bridge of her nose and on the side of her right knee. She has a couple of acne scars but she uses magic to make them go away. She's around 4’8 and will grow to about 5’4-5’6. She has her ears pierced and usually wears silver earrings.

Mental Description: Urena is happy, energetic, intelligent, funny, and loyal. She appears cold on the outside but since others get to know her she's a huge sweetheart! She's very blunt; she'll say what needs to be said when it needs to be said, it's nothing personal. This can often make her seem rude or brash. She's very charismatic and loves to help others out.

Biography: Urena was born in Accra, Ghana, to an African-English mother and a Ghanaian father. She's the middle sibling and has an older brother by three years and a younger sister by one. They moved to London when she was around five years old, and Urena lived normally until she discovered her magic.

First Instance of Magic: Urena was around six years old. She was running outside and tripped and fell. Her ankle really hurt and she was unable to get herself up. She knew that she needed something to hoist herself up. Not to far from her, there was a fallen branch. Trying to drag herself to it, she was extremely frustrated at her slow pace. Suddenly, the small branch popped in front of her! She was able to get up and make her way to the house.