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Lisa Langley
15 May 2011
Manchester, England
Second year, Ravenclaw
26,7 cm willow wood and dragon heartstring
Ok, so be warned, school is eating me alive right now (I wish I was being literal) and I'm gonna be slightly inactive while I try to keep up. Please excuse it, I'll be sure to post to the rp or owl or whatever in a bit
Full Name:
Lisa Nortam Langley

Favourite Music Artist:
Chase Atlantic

Family Motto :
Pro Potestate Imperamus

Lili, Li

150 centimetres

85 pounds


Lisa is a bit cold in social settings (specifically social settings involving strangers). She has been described as aloof by a lot of people, although she disagrees with that sentiment. Her love language is acts of service . She loves reading and crochet as a hobby. She also has habit of zoning out at random moments, and tends to laugh at inappropriate times.

Physical Description:
Curly hair framing a small face, Lisa has gray eyes that she has been told 'stare right into your soul'. Her pale skin is usually clear, but she has a tendency to break out in pimples when she gets stressed. She is quite athletic and enjoys sports, but gets headaches extremely quickly.

Mental Description:
She used to have bad mental health, but has made it a priority to put herself first. She has mild orderliness and symmetry ocd, which has inconvenienced her on several occasions, but she learned to live with it (for the most part, anyway)

Growing up in a world that treated her like she didn't exist had robbed Lisa of any form of chaos. She was used to being in control. She was always the perfect one, the role model, the care-taker. It could definitely be gratifying, but for every little drop of gratification, there came a bucket of frustration.

It slowly, but surely, got to the point where she began to know exactly what would happen every minute of every day. It was pathetic. Wake up, go to school, come back home, eat, study, relax, sleep and repeat.

The stability of it was soothing but there was a definite line between stability and monotony (definitely the latter).

Her parents, Xavier and Bridget Langley, had busy schedules, she understood that. They just weren't good parents sometimes. Sure, they tried but they didn't understand what she wanted, what she needed. Just to be a child, for once. She felt trapped in her own life and nothing could help. She needed a new perspective, a new person, a break from the life that was starting to rule her. And that was exactly where the letter to Hogwarts came in. Sure, she had gone to magic schools before, but they were never boarding schools.

She could start over, meet new people who preferably weren't just after her connections. This was her chance.
Hogwarts better be ready, because she was coming in hot. There was no doubt about that.
She wasn't going to let anything ruin this for her.

First Instance of Magic:
Lisa hated social gatherings. Well, not ALL social gathering, some were actually fun, and some others just sapped her energy like a leech, and this was definitely the latter, despite the fact that this party was supposed to be for her 10th birthday. She dipped her head low to avoid a tray full of appetizers levitating across the room.

She snagged some food from it as she straightened and leaned against a wall, her headache pounding in time to the bad music. Her thoughts became increasingly violent as the evening went on, made worse by the fact that she been pushed on the dance floor and EVERYTHING was sweaty. Ugh. Why did she even want to come here again?

She wrested her way off the dance floor and immediately found herself face to face with someone who tried to drag her back onto it. At this point, Lisa was beyond ready to leave not just the party, but the entire planet. Suddenly, a loud scream echoed through the room, causing everyone to freeze in their tracks. It had come from the person that had been trying to pull her back to the dance floor. She had let go of her arm, and was covered in food. Through the haze occupying her thoughts, she registered that she had done that. She stepped towards her, trying to get the food off, but before she could, the girl cleaned herself up. The music was too loud to hear the spell that she uttered to do it. It wasn't until the next day after the headache wore off when she realized she had been the one to cause the food to land on the girl.

Well, not the most glamorous thing to lost control over but nothing she could do now.