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Caitlin Harmen
Wizard born
07 Aug 2011
Edinburgh, Scotland
Second year, Gryffindor
30,6 cm willow wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description:
I have long, blonde hair that falls past my shoulders and blue eyes. I am tall for a girl my age, standing around 150cm. As someone who enjoys physical activities such as rock climbing, hiking, and swimming, I am physically athletic.

Mental Description:
While I can be an anxious person who feels the pressure to prove myself, I pride myself on my resilience and grit. My competitive nature and outspoken personality can make me a bit brash, but my friends find me funny, and I enjoy making jokes. I love to engage in physical activity to blow off steam.

My parents are both muggle-borns, with my mum being a Gryffindor who works at the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office to protect muggles. As a result, I have a connection to the muggle world, and my mum taught me about the internet. My dad, a Ravenclaw, works in potion research and creation. He has a keen interest in muggle chemistry and even went to night school after leaving Hogwarts to get a university degree in it.

Growing up, my mum encouraged me to participate in muggle sports clubs, and I've developed a close relationship with my muggle grandparents. I have a passion for reading muggle books about magic and fantasy, which I find amusing.

I am most excited about exploring Hogwarts and learning magic. My goal is to become a renowned magic explorer, able to safely hike all over the world and explore anywhere I please. I am looking forward to classes in Defense Against the Dark Arts and Charms.

First Instance of Magic:
When I was five years old, my gran was trying to serve me broccoli soup, which I loathed. As soon as she ladled soup into my bowl, it vanished, marking my first instance of magic.