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Clara Alexander
28 Jun 2011
London, England
Second year, Hufflepuff
25,9 cm willow wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description:
Bright, emerald-green eyes. Dirty blonde hair tied up into a straight ponytail. 4'11 in height, fair skin. Peach, thin lips that stretch across her face and thin eyebrows with the colour matching her hair. Big, black circular glasses that sit just on her medium-sized nose.
Mental Description: A positive, optimistic look on life who enjoys difficult puzzles. Quite shy and prefers to keep to herself and a close circle of friends then a whole horde of talkative people.
Loud noises and cramped spaces startle her extremely. Never approach her from behind. She hates her hair being pulled back.
Biography: Clara Bedina Alexander was born 2010, the 28th of June to Mariana Alexander and Martin Alexander. She is the youngest of 3 children, her sisters named Sam Alexander and Elizabeth Alexander. Her mother is a witch while her father is a muggle, Sam is a squib and gets jealous of the younger sisters magical skills. Her father works part-time as a bank teller for extra cash. Clara has two friends, Rhibella Anderson and Thyme- Mariebell from middle school.

First Instance of Magic: (This has been updated} Att the age of 4/years old in England, due to being angry for it raining after being promised to get ice-cream that day, she accidentally made her mother's hat catch flames. It took multiple tries to calm both her and the flame down. She felt apologetic afterwards.