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Theodora Chant
30 Oct 2010
Lincoln, England
Second year, Gryffindor
35,8 cm aspen wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: A pale girl with short dark brown hair that almost looks black and warm hazel eyes. Most of the time her eyes will appear to simply be a dark brown at a glance but in certain shades of light or upon close inspection the green flecks in her iris will shine.
She's four foot and three inches in height and is quite a healthy young girl with a petite build.

Mental Description: Demure and soft-spoken. Theodora is a insecure and generally nervous young girl who keeps to herself. She feels quite uncomfortable with those she has not come to fully trust yet and has trouble making friends with other children her age. Once with those she trusts completely however her personality does a drastic shift and she can be quite outgoing and even mischevious. She is also bit of a tomboy, and insists friends call her Theo for short as she hates her birth name and is of the opinion that Theodora is simply too old fashioned.
Most of her hobbies are things she does alone as she is introverted in nature and she spends much of her time reading or playing video games. She's quite interested in the idea of taking inspiration from muggle forms of entertainment and making similar things with magic.

Biography: The Chant's live in a magical home tucked away in an alley way in the old city of Lincoln, right next to its impressive cathedral. Most passerby would have no idea a house exists at all behind the thin green door nestled inbetween the old dusty looking shops. There Theodora grew up peacefully with her parents but had no siblings and was quite lonely. Though she went to muggle school up til now Theodora's always been quite a shy girl and has had trouble making any friends. Mr Chant doesn't seem as troubled by this as Mrs Chant is and has reassured them all that Theodora simply needs more exposure to "their own kind" where she will certaintly be far more comfortable. Mrs Chant feels much less inclined to speak to her husband after such reminders that she is infact non magical, so the topic of Theodora's social skills has become all but taboo in the Chant household.

First Instance of Magic: Theodora demonstrated magical ability quite early at the age of three, where during a super emotional tantrum she set her father's mustache on fire.