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Erin Burton
07 May 2011
Galway, Ireland
First year, Hufflepuff
29,7 cm acacia wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Brown hair, blue eyes, normally wearing an overall skirt, knee-high socks, ankle boots, a light pink T-Shirt, a flower crown, a cross necklace, and glasses. She wears no make-up, and normally wears rubber-band bracelets.

Mental Description: Erin is very fun and loving, she is amazing with animals. She takes after her best friend/neighbor Azrael Faire in a love of big horses. She has mild ADHD and gets distracted very easily. She isn’t really confident and would much rather curl up and read a good book, making jewelry, write, paint and color, and baking with her mother than go out and do anything reckless.

Biography: Erin lives with her mother, father (Jason), and two older (non-magical) brothers, she has a pretty good life and loves to go berry picking with her mom, Janet Burton, and her two brothers, Andrew and Colin. She loves to paint and go horse-back riding with her best-friend. Her mother works in a local flower and tea shop and her father works as a history teacher.

First Instance of Magic: Erin's first instance of magic was when her best friend was out with her to go horseback riding, her friend was chucked off their horse and Erin reached out and slowed their fall significantly. That is when her friend said “You have magic like me!”’